Robert Bishop

A third and final post taken from the golden age of pornography. This one features the art of Robert Bishop, who created bondage themed artwork for HOM and Centurion Publications during the 70’s and 80’s. Most of his work features female submissives, with only occasional exceptions (for example here and here). However, if you’re a general fan of bondage, his work is worth seeking out. There’s a lot of gags and tight restraints, rendered in a very distinctive style.

Sadly, he took his own life in 1991. You can find his art still online, but there’s very little information available at the man himself. Indeed there’s still some debate around the pseudonyms he may or may not have used.


This is a lovely example of strict bondage and objectification. The rope hogtie is really well done and I love how he’s perched precariously. It’s an impressive pose to pull off.

The only thing that’d make it absolutely perfect would be a lightbulb in the mouth or a lampshade on the head, as that’d qualify it for my long running lamp series. This shot feels like it’d fit right in there, but lacks the requisite illumination.

I believe the creator of this is TrueTiedTales. The original was posted here and you can more shots from the same scene on their twitter feed.

More Hood

A lot of shots featuring hoods look terrible because they’re obviously just being used to conceal the submissive’s face. I get the logic of that but it typically ruins the image for me. It’s hard to enjoy  a kinky scene if one of the participants is embarrassed to be seen doing it.

This lovely image from Natalie Noir shows how a hood can be used whilst still making the shot work aesthetically and erotically. There’s a cohesive design to it that makes sense of the hood. I particularly love the little locks on the chin strap.

Natalie Noir is a Zurich based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her twitter feed here.

Hood Heaven

I love the idea and aesthetics of hoods, while also being a total wuss when it comes to wearing them. A domme can do all sorts of heinous things to my delicate bits and I’ll be fine, but stick a bit of material over my face and it’s freak-out city. Claustrophobia sucks.

Anyway, for those that do share my love of the fantasy, here’s some fun artwork by Miss Domme. Pick your favorite.

You can find more from Miss Domme at her PatreonDeviantArt and Twitter, amongst others.

Making Plans

I’m planning a trip for later this year. That can mean only one thing: Endlessly scrolling though my social media feeds to remember/locate the pro-dommes I wanted to see in that city. If there was a definitive pro-domme directory then this wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately there isn’t and I’m stuck clicking through Twitter bio’s trying to figure out who is based where.

One other thing I’ve noticed about my planning process these days – I’m a lot more selective. Not that I did sessions with just anyone in the past. As I’ve written previously, I think my hit rate (ahem) in sessions with new domme’s is pretty good. But now I finding myself eliminating possibilities based on wacky capitalization or how high protocol someone seems to be. Makes me wonder if I’m increasing my chance of session success at the risk of missing interesting new experiences.

The image is Contessa Klaudia Keys, a pro-domme based in Montreal. Sadly, that’s nowhere near where I’m going. I think she’d be a fabulous person to play with.

Image was sourced via Contessa Keys Twitter feed.

More from the Fetish Archive

Technically I’ve no idea if this particular image is actually in the UK’s Leather and Fetish Archive. It’s by the photographer Natasha Gornik, who has contributed an archived collection to them. If it’s not part of that collection then they’re missing out, as it’s a lovely image. It really captures the mood of playful afternoon session.

I believe the domme is NYC’s Mistress Blunt. If you’d like to see more of Natasha Gornik’s fabulous photographs – with lots of the NYC kink scene – they’re available at her site. In particularly check out Good Soup and Community. It’s fun spotting a lot of well known NYC faces (or hands in some cases), a good number of whom have now retired.


One of my guilty time wasting pleasures is reading Am I The Asshole on Reddit. It’s fun to sit in judgement on random strangers and boil complex situations down to one of the forums standard labels: NTA (Not The Asshole), YTA (You’re The Asshole), NAH (No Assholes Here) or ESH (Everyone Sucks Here).

I was reminded of it when reading this LA Time article on a relationship gone wrong thanks to undisclosed kinks. I’d say it’s clearly a case of ESH. The writer for being judgmental, snarky and unwilling to be GGG. Her ex for keeping his kinks quiet until months into the relationship and then dumping them all out. Both of them for bad communication.

I get that it’s pretty tough to share kinks when you’ve just started dating, but pushing the reveal out by months can never be a good plan. If they are potentially kinky then better to start communicating and having fun together sooner. If it’s a deal-breaker then there’s no need to waste everyone’s time. And, if you’re hoping someone’s need to maintain a relationship will persuade them to do things they don’t really want to, then YTA.

From the article it seemed like the sub was a fan of latex and fetishwear. So here’s an image in honor of that.

I found on an old tumblr site. From hunting around I believe that is the German domme Patrizia Von Bergfeld.

Pony Fun

Fans of Pony Play might want to check out the stories of I. Binder, some of which are available on Gagged Utopia. The site seems broken in a bunch of places, but you can see a number of them listed under the PonyPlay tag here. For example, this, this, this and this. Looks like there’s also some on Amazon if you wish to purchase them.

I’m not sure it’d be a kink I’d want to indulge during an actual session. Too old and too many wonky back muscles for pulling people around. However, the fantasy is nice and the I. Binder stories are very well written. They got me interested in a kink that had never really clicked with me before.

I sourced this image from Madam is All tumblr. Reverse image searching didn’t give me any leads, but I believe that’s Mistress Trinity, an NYC based pro-domme.  I previously featured an image that looks to be from the same shoot here.