Office Pet

Continuing the theme of introducing new (to this site) artists, here’s something by Dirty Sparrow. I don’t think she has a primary website but you can find her and her work over on Twitter.

This example is particularly cute and fun. I love her rapaciousness and his shy but totally into it expression. I like to think it’s a bossy project manager with her favorite developer. He does great work, but needs firm guidance lest his attention stray.

Sourced via this tweet.

Fragrance of Choice

A third and final image in my series of femdom art that’s both interesting and unusual. This is by the Russian artist Waldemar Kozak and is entitled ‘I choose this fragrance.’ His work is (mostly) not femdom but it is erotic, with a style that incorporates pop art, vintage, sci-fi and surrealism. Not sure what’s going on here, or why the nurses have taken a break from treating their patient to search for fragrances, but it is an appealing image.

Updated: See this comment from Bacchus for what seems like an excellent explanation for what’s going on in this image.

The artist has a deviant art site, although it has sadly not been updated in a few years. You can also see a lot of his art on this page. I’m fairly certain I featured this image in a past post, although I can’t track it down now.

Birthday Bonk

Continuing the theme of slightly unusual femdom art, here’s one by the artist Vince Ray. Like the last post it has a 1950’s look, although in this case there’s no doubt about its recent provenance. Also like the last post, it’s a little hard to determine the overall theme. There’s some cross dressing, role reversal, leather gloved beatings and comic captions. All done in a pop art style. Odd but fun.

You can find more from Vince Ray at his site. I featured his work in a past post here. I sourced this originally from the anna doll tumblr.

Under the Dome

I thought this was an odd but interesting illustration. It’s obviously done in a 50’s style, but feels like it could be a modern interpretation of that aesthetic.

Is it showing someone’s very specific and niche kink? Or is it a slightly surreal take on the idea of a 50’s housewife and her need for a clean orderly house? A husband/wife scene with maybe a hint of cuckolding (signified by the phone)? Or a mother or babysitter keeping an unruly son under control? Or is it not intended to be sexual at all?

It’s signed ‘muffy’ but I couldn’t track down who that was or what the original context for this was.

Robert Bishop

A third and final post taken from the golden age of pornography. This one features the art of Robert Bishop, who created bondage themed artwork for HOM and Centurion Publications during the 70’s and 80’s. Most of his work features female submissives, with only occasional exceptions (for example here and here). However, if you’re a general fan of bondage, his work is worth seeking out. There’s a lot of gags and tight restraints, rendered in a very distinctive style.

Sadly, he took his own life in 1991. You can find his art still online, but there’s very little information available at the man himself. Indeed there’s still some debate around the pseudonyms he may or may not have used.

Wrapping up Archetypes

Apologies if posting is sparse this week. I’ve come down with a case of Covid that I’m trying to fight through. Having dodged it entirely through the first few years of the pandemic, I’ve now had it twice in less than 12 months. Very frustrating.

Anyway, I’m going to try and wrap up the archetype series of posts with a couple of candidates to add to the core list. We’ve had Authoritarian, Seductress, Mother and Queen. How about the Princess or the Brat? In my mind these two exhibit similar characteristics: flirty, playful, self-centered, mean, manipulative and spiteful. However, one comment I got distinguished the Brat from the Princess on the basis of playfulness and convention following. Personally, I think they’re too close together to make them separate domme archetypes. However, it is an interesting thought. Are their two distinct domme styles here? Or is Brat more a sub thing?

This is from the beta crusher tumblr, which tends to specialize in young bratty domme captions (along with a lot of friendzone, cuckold and humiliation themes).