Gift Wrapped

This post represents something of a blogging trifecta. It keeps my trend of cute artwork for the weekend going, features another new (to this blog) artist, and is also on point topically. This particularly artwork is by ewyuckyloser.

Valentines Day is one of those holidays that never does much for me, regardless of relationship status. This beautifully wrapped young man is at least a much nicer gift idea than the last minute flowers I saw people lining up for at Whole Foods this afternoon.

You can find more from the artist via their Bluesky account and their Deviant Art account.


The famous ‘Chair’ by Allen Jones from 1969 has inspired a fair number of imitators over the years. Some from the transgressive art world and some from the kink community.  I could swear I’ve featured other examples in the past, but I guess they must have been lost in the big blog wipeout a few years back.

This particularly example is credited (by labstrakt) to Anna Malygon, Natalia Guzman (creative director) and Walker Bunting (photographer). Given the composition and style, I’d guess it comes from the art/fashion world rather than the kink world. I can’t locate the original source, but you can see more example from what was obviously a series here and here.

Kinky Vacations

Apparently, according to this article, you can find kinky vacation rentals on Airbnb and VRBO. There’s not like a drop down BDSM menu or anything, but they’re findable and not actively being suppressed. Given how puritanical many companies are these days, I’m a little bit surprised.

Of course, not everyone is happy to find a bunch of bondage gear in their rental property. It’s not something you want to be surprised by, particularly if the cleanliness is questionable. However, for kinksters planning a getaway, maybe check out the rental property listings? Could be a good way to try out some BDSM furniture without needing to explain what that strange new ‘exercise’ equipment is in your spare room.

This image of ladies enjoying a vacation comes courtesy of Harper Chase. She was a pro-domme based in NYC, but appears to have retired.

Inadvertent Pet Acquisition

I seem to have slipped into a habit of featuring something from the cute and fuzzy femdom artwork genre at weekends, often from artists new to this blog. I’m keeping the trend going for at least another weekend with this lovely piece from the artist aeritea. It definitely scores high on the cute-o-meter.

You can find more from the artist via their Bluesky, their Patreon and their shop.

You want me to do what now?

This image made me laugh. I stumbled across it via the Assertive Ladies tumblr and immediately recognized the source as Mistress Iris. Most of her images are stunning and have been featured here with some regularity. While here she remains as elegant as ever, his expression seems like a mixture of confusion and shock. Does he not know how this kind of scene works? Or has he spotted something unpleasant stuck to the bottom of her shoe?

You can find more from Mistress Iris at her site and instagram.

Fish Tank Alternative

Wealthy fish fanciers often display their hobby via aquariums integrated into the walls of their home. If you find that idea intriguing but a little dull, may I suggest the integrated doggy cage? It makes for a striking feature in any library or study and a great conversation piece when you have guests over. Animals to put inside it might be a little hard to source than your average guppy, but you can always adopt from your local dungeon.

The cage here is available for rent as part of the BDSM loft in Berlin. However, I’m not sure who the domme is. If you can help with that attribution, then please let me know via a comment.

Preferring the Journey to the Destination

Slate has an advice column featuring a man who loves flirting, teasing, sexual tension and foreplay, but doesn’t enjoy the sex at the end of it all. The advice they give is reasonable, but seems to miss out on the obvious kinks that might align with his preferences. Tease and denial is definitely a thing, which coupled with some light flirty femdom, might be right up his alley. Lots of kinky activities puts the focus on the foreplay and less on the big-O.

One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve aged is that my preference has shifted from the goal of the destination to the joy of the journey. I wouldn’t go as far as the letter writer and say the ending isn’t worth it, but the principal pleasure is in extending the buildup and playing with the dynamics of arousal. There’s so much more than can be done and enjoyed in that headspace.

I believe this is Kanishka Sangabo Dias and Rahansa Sanuthi, two models from Sri Lanka.

Man in Furs

If you’re looking for something kinky and entertaining, then it might be worth checking out this top 10 list of smutty comics by The Mary Sue. I can’t speak to any of them personally, but there’s some intriguing looking options there.

I was particularly taken by Man in Furs, an illustrated biography of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. I’ve a copy of Sardax’s excellent illustrated version of the classic Venus in Furs, but had no idea that a graphic novel about the original masochist’s life existed.

This is a selected page from Man in Furs by by Catherine Sauvat (Author), Anne Simon (Artist).