Fragrance of Choice

A third and final image in my series of femdom art that’s both interesting and unusual. This is by the Russian artist Waldemar Kozak and is entitled ‘I choose this fragrance.’ His work is (mostly) not femdom but it is erotic, with a style that incorporates pop art, vintage, sci-fi and surrealism. Not sure what’s going on here, or why the nurses have taken a break from treating their patient to search for fragrances, but it is an appealing image.

Updated: See this comment from Bacchus for what seems like an excellent explanation for what’s going on in this image.

The artist has a deviant art site, although it has sadly not been updated in a few years. You can also see a lot of his art on this page. I’m fairly certain I featured this image in a past post, although I can’t track it down now.

Covid Sucks

That title isn’t exactly breaking news. However, as someone suffering from his first ever case of it, I’m feeling it particularly acutely. Not only am I experiencing it for the first time, but it happened while I was on vacation in NYC. And not only while on vacation, but when I was just about to enjoy a series of sessions I’d lined up with some fabulous dommes I’d not seen in years. The timing couldn’t have been worse. Curses.

The good news is that it seems relatively mild. I felt pretty lousy for 2 or 3 days and I’m still unusually tired, but I’m slowly improving. Should just be healthy in time to go back to work later this week.

When I pictured stressful medical experiences on this trip, I was thinking along the lines of the image below. Not the ones where the hotel room service learns your name and recognizes your regular order.

This image is from the twitter feed of Maîtresse Blanche (sourced here). She has a lot of fabulous medical shots and you can see more via her links here. You can find her professional site here.

The Ultimate Milking Machines

One final milking machine themed post. I couldn’t do a sequence of posts on that topic and not feature something from Sardax’s classic themed series. I’ve chosen one of my favorites below but you can find the full set of 6 on his blog.

I’m obviously not alone in my appreciation for this set. As he writes in a post featuring a follow-up series on the same theme, the original post is consistently his most popular one. Let’s hope Jordan Peterson never stumbles across it. He might start tweeting that it’s illustrative of the dangers of the UK’s Nationalized Health Service.

More Milking

My previous post on the Tremblr device reminded me that I’d previously posted a link to a review of the Serious Kit milker. However, hunting through my old posts didn’t turn it up, so I’m guessing it was lost in the great crash of ’22.

For completeness let me therefore share it again. It’s a detailed video review by Audrey Fatale and can be found here on YouTube. Well worth checking out if you’re thinking of splurging (in all senses of that word) for such a device.

This is the lovely Mistress Fatale, sporting another of her fiendish medical devices. This shot – sourced from her twitter feed – seemed appropriately symmetrically with the previous one of Domina M. Two amazing dommes sporting classic medical whites and a hint of a smile.

Mistress Fatale is a Melbourne based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and twitter feed here.

Size Matters

Why are longer gloves sexier than shorter ones? It’s thoughts like this that keep me up at night.

Obviously they emphasize more the shape of the arm, but is the forearm really a super sexy body part? It’s not quite the same as a leg being emphasized by a long boot. Long medical gloves like these imply things are going to be particularly messy, which is hot. But long opera style gloves are also sexy and they’re very much not PPE equipment. It’s a puzzle.

This beautiful image is from the twitter feed of Mistress Euryale, a Hong Kong based pro-domme. You can find the original fullsize version and another shot from the same scene in her original tweet. Mistress Euryale also regularly visits Paris, so if you’re near either there or Hong Kong and would like to meet her, then check out her professional site.

Helping Out

This story about the UK based medical fetish company MedFet donating their sets of disposable scrubs to the NHS has popped up on a lot of my feeds recently. It’s one of those situations where you’re not sure whether to laugh or cry. At least they carry sensible serious medical gear. I’d imagine the last thing a hospitalized coronavirus victim wants to see would be someone coming to take a blood sample dressed in a Halloween style naughty nurse outfit.

I also spotted this tweet from Lady Annisa, volunteering to help at her previous hospital. Appropriately for someone who offers serious medical play, she was a nursing sister before becoming a pro-domme. Not all heroes where capes. Sometimes they wear scrubs and sensible shoes.

This is Lady Annisa and Mistress Miranda tackling a particularly difficult case. Obviously his nipples have been troubling him and a series of injections have been prescribed.

The Bug

The big news story of the day is the new strain of coronavirus that has been spreading around the world. With people dying and the economy tanking, it seems somewhat silly to talk about its affect on kink and sex. However, those are the primary subjects of this blog and you get what you pay for, so here we go.

The key question for anyone with either casual play partners or when doing professional sessions is: What level of precaution makes sense? Do you keep going as normal? Stop until we’re told the pandemic has passed? Only do scenes involving full body prophylactics or bullwhips with a reach of longer than 6 feet?

It gets even more complicated for pro-dommes and other sex workers. On one hand getting sick from close interaction is a major risk. On the other, a stream of cancellations and clients being afraid to book means no income. I’ve already seen a lot of social media commentary on this, with a wide variety of emphasis on risk avoidance versus lost opportunities. Some professionals are temporarily relaxing their cancellation penalties to discourage playing while sick. I even saw one suggestion of only seeing clients from certain ‘safe’ areas, both to reduce risk and to reassure clients from those areas that sessions would be low risk.

For those without specific government rules around quarantine, I think everyone has to draw their own lines in the sand. Guidance around washing hands and not touching your face aren’t much help when it comes to deciding on the safety of say genital torture versus smothering. Although I would love to have the Surgeon Generals opinion on that.

The one piece of advice I’d give would be to be as transparent as possible with your play partners. Consent is about making an informed decision, and information is obviously a very necessary part of that. If I have any minor thing pop up in the days before I play, I’ll always email my prospective play partner to let them know. That gives them plenty of time to assess the risk and decide if they want to cancel, reschedule or wait to see how it develops. If I end up too sick to play, they at least they got an early heads-up. Obviously nobody should ever be playing with others if they think they have the new strain of coronavirus, but for other bugs I’ve been surprised at the variety of reactions. Some pro-dommes are OK as long as I can stagger to their playspace, where others have strict rules around staying away until fully healthy.

So share your health information and share it early. If it’s a regular seasonal cold then both parties need to make an informed decision. If it might be COVID-19 then get tested and stay in quarantine if necessary.

This medical themed image is from Domina Contessa Cara. She is based in Essen and her professional site is available here.

Warning Signs

Apologies for the lack of an update yesterday. This was due to me being collapsed on my couch in a post session haze of endorphins. I had my first session of 2020 yesterday, and Savannah Sly made it a highly memorable one. 

There are two key warning signs that something particularly painful is about to happen when playing. The first is if the domme briefly disappears to find a specific toy and reemerges with a particularly gleeful expression. Whatever she has found will not go well for you. The second sign is if she starts to do something, then pauses, and decides she needs to muffle your moans before proceeding. She might be concerned about the neighbors, but you should be more concerned with what’s about to happen to your delicate parts.

In the case of our session yesterday, the toy in question was Savannah’s medical stapler and (equally important) the staple removal tool. The muffling was required when she decided to apply it to the tip of the cock. Right over the urethral opening. Ouchy.

Here’s a different medical scene showing one of the more fun ways to muffle a patient’s screams. This is of course by the artist Rubex.

Workplace Peril

This story of an injury claim for workplace compensation caught my eye recently. It features a French man who unfortunately died of a heart attack after having sex. What made it news was that he was travelling on business at the time, and a French court held that it was a workplace related injury and his employer was liable for it. Their logic was that sex is a normal part of life and companies are liable for things that go wrong when they’re compelling you to travel on their behalf. It’s not a ruling you can imagine many US courts making.

It did get me wondering what would have happened if he’d died as a result of a kinky activity. Would that have also been classed as a normal part of life? My company sadly doesn’t send me anywhere, so all my travel is on my own dime and at my own risk. But I know a lot of men use business trips as an opportunity to get their kink on and visit a pro-domme. Could a domme find herself in court testifying about a ‘work related’ buttplug injury for a travelling businessman? Would an insurance company payout for bruised testicles sustained in a hotel room during lunch break from the annual conference for certified public accountants? I await the next European test case in this area eagerly.

I’m not sure what injury this gentleman has sustained, but judging by all the equipment, it must have have been a severe one. Fortunately for him, Mistress Inka is on the case. I’m sure she’ll have him on his feet in no time. You can see more of her at work via her twitter feed.