Reluctant Foot Model

I’m beginning to think that somebody over at the Guardian has a bit of a thing for feet. After the previous post’s story on Lily Allen selling foot pictures they’ve now published this one on journalist Zing Tsjeng’s experience on being featured on Wikifeet. I’m all for kink related stories, but two foot fetish stories in a week? Surely not a coincidence.

Personally, I think the best part about foot worship is the resulting view. And while I’ve nothing against the naked foot, I always find them sexier wrapped in leather and grinding on some delicate part of me.

I believe the domme on the left is Anita Blare. I don’t have an attribution for the domme on the right. If you can help me with that then feel free to leave a comment.

Happy Birthday Mistress T

My social media feeds tell me it’s Mistress T’s birthday, so here’s wishing a happy day to one of the most significant and productive independent creators of femdom media.

If you’ve not read her autobiography – ‘There is more to the story‘ – then I’d recommend it. I reviewed it and posted about it a few years back. Her blog is sadly dormant these days, but it has a lot of good posts still archived there.

Here’s a lovely image of Mistress T. Looking through my archives, I seem to have featured her image a fair number of times in the past. For example, this, this, this and this. She’s created a lot of really great content.

Snapping Her Shot

I’m continuing the theme of ‘Women photographing men in poses of power.’ It’s a niche kink I’ll admit, but when you’re ten years and a few thousand posts into kinky blogging, then getting around to micro-niche kinks is inevitable at some point. This one even has a little suggestion of bondage thrown in.

This is Uma Thurman with Marcus Schenkenberg, as shot by Ellen Von Unwerth for Vs Magazine. You can see more shots from the session here. Sadly none of the others have quite the same vibe as this one.

Fin Domme from his Perspective

After my previous post on the The Simp, pivoting to talk about financial domination seems the right move. It’s both the exact opposite and the kind of thing that would really annoy anyone who subscribes to the simp idea. So goodness all around.

I’ve seen a lot of fin domme writing from the domme perspective, but not so much from the submissive side. I therefore enjoyed this Girl on the Net guest post, written by Harley, owner of Harlequin Works. It’s a nice clear take on why financial domination works for him.

I personally find financial domination fascinating because it’s not my kink, yet I often find descriptions of it to be very hot. To draw a very weird comparison – it’s a bit like enemas. I find them to be unpleasant and non-sexy in reality, while being very hot in the written word. I similarly find the enthusiasm of fin domme’s and their submissives to be very sexy, while having zero desire to part with my cash. Is voyeuristic enjoyment of fin domme a kink in itself?

I’m not sure where this image originally comes from (I found it here), but there’s definitely a fin domme storyline that can be spun from it if you’re that way inclined.

Stay Down

This makes for a nice contrast to the image in my previous post. That was all sweetness and vulnerability. This has a far more brutal edge to it. I particularly love their expressions. It’s a nice contrast of gleeful sadism and accepted suffering.

The style of this seems familiar. I’m sure I’ve seen work from this artist elsewhere, but I’m afraid I can’t place the name right now. I discovered it via this tweet.

Updated: By way of a tweet from Sardax I can at least attribute this 70’s Japanese magazine “Fuzoku-kitan.” The actual artist remains unknown.

Bad Boyfriend! No!

This @redditships thread about a guy who sneakily drank the pee from his girlfriends pregnancy test is really quite something. Even speaking as a fan of watersports, I think that’s a definite yikes. Most of the comments seem to be fixed on the idea of it being a kink, but I’m not so sure. I think for most kinky people into piss play it’s the dynamic and the act that matter, not the liquid in isolation. So while it’s possible he’s acting out some deep seated kink in the worst way possible, maybe he just read and believed something stupid on the internet about how to test for pregnancy via pee tasting.

I believe I originally sourced this image from the twitter feed of Lady Mephista.

Telling Tales

This is one of those images that instantly makes me start spinning story lines in my head. Is she the daughter of the house, humiliating but maybe also secretly delighting one of their older servants? Is it a newly married couple? He’s the the foolish older man who has been ensnared by his lust for a young attractive bride. Or is she perhaps a college friend of the man’s daughter? She spotted his sidelong glances during a visit over the summer break, and now she’s returned to wreck havoc in his life and take everything from him. It’s a real choose your own adventure of an image.

I believe that is Lady Fatale, a pro-domme based out of Amsterdam. You can find her professional site here and twitter feed here.

An Aside

I was planning to continue my theme of phrases and vocalizations I’d heard from dommes during kinky play. Unfortunately time has run short and I haven’t put together the post I was originally thinking about. So I’ll save that for tomorrow and instead let me offer a momentary aside, courtesy of Ellen Von Unwerth. She’s always a reliable source for beautifully shot fashionable femdom.

Predicaments with Domina Yuki

My San Francisco trip got off to a great start with two sessions on consecutive days with Domina Yuki. I normally leave at least one clear day between sessions to recover,  but having them close together like this actually worked out pretty well. They flowed more naturally together and it was easy and quick to get back into the zone. Much predicament play was involved, which is always a specialty of Domina Yuki’s.

One set-up is shown in shown in these top view and side view shots. You can see a series of cords attaching my toes and my clamped balls and nipples to the overhead hanging rod. The little black box is an e-stim device, wired to the base of my cock and set to trigger on any sound. So movement of the feet or body creates painful tugs on the clamps, which makes me moan, which triggers painful shocks, which makes me wriggle and move even more. Of course, if there’s a devious domme in the room, she might decide that the whole set-up could be much improved by clapping loudly or pinwheeling the feet.

We also did a standing set-up, that’s shown in this image. It’s less complicated but no less devious in its own way. Those white plastic medical clamps are pinching the skin closed over the head of the cock, and are exceedingly tight and painful. That configuration becomes incredibly more painful in any state of arousal. The kind of thing that might happen, for example, if a sexy domme were to caress a nipple and whisper naughty thoughts into an ear. Luckily, should such as state of affairs come to pass, she can always resolve the problem by carefully beating the errant member down with a light flogger.

One of the more unusual configurations I got to enjoy was being fastened down and spread out on a tiled floor using heavy suction cups as tie points. I’ve never seen this done before and it’s a really great idea, as you can put the anchor points anywhere. It allows for interesting asymmetrical bondage positions and a quick way to make adjustments. It also gave me an amazing viewpoint as Domina Yuki walked around me and over me, dragging her heels across my chest or poking into my delicate parts. The low shot looking up at a looming domme is a classic/cliche of femdom porn, yet in my experience it’s actually kind of rare in play. I’m often lying on a table or standing at a wall so don’t get that angle. Even when kneeling on the floor I’m typically looking down rather than up. It was a very pleasant change to both be low down and have the opportunity to look up at the domme as she stood over me and tortured me.

This shot wasn’t quite the angle I had, but it’s still a very striking one. The image is from Domina Yuki’s professional site. If you’re in the Bay area then she’s an amazing person to session with. If that’s not possible, then you can follow her AVN Stars feed here or her Twitter feed here.


If there’s one shoe designer who is widely known across all genders and sexualities, it’d be Christian Louboutin. I have a very straight non-kinky male friend who has minimal interest in fashion, yet he still managed to spot and identify a pair of Louboutin’s that flashed past us in a restaurant one night recently. I’m sure it was the stylish lady sporting them that first caught his eye, but he still managed to pick up on that little flash of red from her shoes.

I’d always assumed, given how sexy and fetishistic his work can be, that he was at least a little bit kinky. However, according to this recent NY Times article, that’s probably not the case.

I remember Helmut Newton, the photographer, telling me one day — he had looked at some of my shoes — “I’m going to give you the best address for dominatrixes in New York.” And I said, “Helmut, I’m just not interested in that.” He was surprised. This is a suggestion from my work to a projection of his own mind. Me, when I think leather and spikes, I’m thinking Haute Époque, 17th century.
Christian Louboutin in the NY Times.

While he might not be interested in ‘that’, but I do know a lot of dommes and submissives who love his high heels and boots. If you’re in the Paris area then there’s an exhibition of his work running over the next few months at the Palais de la Porte Dorée. For those of us not in that area, the NY Times also has a multimedia piece with him talking about his work and his inspirations.

This boot is called the Corset d’Amour and is featured at the start of the NYT media piece.