Making Plans

I’m planning a trip for later this year. That can mean only one thing: Endlessly scrolling though my social media feeds to remember/locate the pro-dommes I wanted to see in that city. If there was a definitive pro-domme directory then this wouldn’t be a problem. Unfortunately there isn’t and I’m stuck clicking through Twitter bio’s trying to figure out who is based where.

One other thing I’ve noticed about my planning process these days – I’m a lot more selective. Not that I did sessions with just anyone in the past. As I’ve written previously, I think my hit rate (ahem) in sessions with new domme’s is pretty good. But now I finding myself eliminating possibilities based on wacky capitalization or how high protocol someone seems to be. Makes me wonder if I’m increasing my chance of session success at the risk of missing interesting new experiences.

The image is Contessa Klaudia Keys, a pro-domme based in Montreal. Sadly, that’s nowhere near where I’m going. I think she’d be a fabulous person to play with.

Image was sourced via Contessa Keys Twitter feed.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

One thought on “Making Plans”

  1. There is this famous episode on one of the Gordon Ramsey shows where he turns around a hotel annex restaurant. Just before dinner people are asked to sign a contract that says you will pay for cleaning if you spill red wine on the wall. Kinda odd, yes. Other than that, the owner is a lovely lady.

    Gordon Ramsey arrives, takes a deep breath and changes the policy – plus some more. Obviously it’s happily ever after. No doubt, the same thing goes for the booking process pro-dommes have in place. Perhaps not ideal, but it suits them. They have more than their share of bad experiences. On top of that, one should never ignore the safety issues and risks involved when it comes to working as a professional dominatrix, especially when it comes to seeing new clients.

    And yes, the internet and especially the Alphabet corporation has corrupted all of us, making minions like you and me do silly things without thinking it through. Dommes run a business. Some of them believe capitalization is necessary to make the cash register ring. Don’t blame them. Yes, I know it’s a no go for most but still. Why not send them a polite email instead, introducing yourself. After all, I [Dutch] am more than my writing. The real question is how to distinguish between balanced, real life dominant women and those who truly believe the whole world should write their name in capitals. Just because. Like always, a domme is a woman first. Look for her and you’ll never go wrong. Have fun.

    Gorgeous image by the way.

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