Capitalization Bullshit

Excuse me while I rant for a moment.

In browsing femdom blogs and forums, I’ve repeatedly come across an incredibly annoying affectation. In what I assume is an effort to reinforce someone’s dominant status, pronouns are consistently and incorrectly capitalized. For example – ‘…tomorrow She will do a scene….’ Or – ‘…with My favorite slave…’

I’ve seen this done from people on both sides of the D/s divide, so it’s clearly not just a few insecure dominants mangling the language in an effort to emphasize their status. It strikes me as completely ridiculous, and achieves nothing other than making comments and articles harder to read.

Amazingly, in what must be a deliberate effort to do something even more ludicrous, I’ve also noticed people trying to write both forms at once. For example – ‘…do Y/you find…’ Or – ‘…what would Y/you do?’

This puzzled me for a time, until I finally figured out that the writer was trying to cater for both dominant and submissive readers. Obviously as a lowly submissive I should read the lower-case version while mighty dominants can read the upper-case version and not get offended. There was a lot of swearing at my computer when that particular penny dropped.

Look, I don’t care how dominant you are. I don’t care if you walk everywhere on a fleshy path of prostrate submissives and reduce grown men to tears by a mere look. The English language is bigger and more important that you are. It’s a top, not a bottom. Stop trying to fuck with it.

Thank you. End of rant. We now return you to your normal scheduled programs.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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