House of Servitude

LA based submissives who are looking for a slightly different experience to the usual pro-domme session might want to check out House of Servitude. Its primary offering is a 24 hour slave immersion experience with some of the most well known dommes in LA.

It seems like an interesting middle ground between a typical session of a few hours and the kind of multi-day offering places like OWK offered. I can’t speak to the house experience, but I have played with some of the dommes involved and know they’re very talented. Presumably there’s multiple guests and different dommes come and go over the time, so the cost is spread out compared to a more traditional 1:1 session. If you’re interested in trying it out, you can find the application form on their site.

Formal Coitus

This comic isn’t femdom but it did make me smile. It struck me that formal coitus would be a good alternative name for all sorts of kinky sex. That doesn’t typically involve monocles and top hats – unless your preferences run that way – but it does often involve protocols, outfits, negotiation and equipment. Plus, I like the idea of asking someone if they’d like to partake in a spot of formal coitus. Provided I can track down a fuck butler of course.

This is from Free Cheese Comix and by the artist  CJ Cusack. I stumbled across if via Reddit.

AI Revisited

I’ve been pretty disappointed with the progress of AI generated images over the last 12 months or so. I was hoping we’d get some really interesting new ideas and creative uses of it. Instead it’s devolved into a lot of very similar looking content – attractive but overly shiny smooth people in very limited poses. Great if you want to recreate fashion magazine photoshoots, but nothing that really resembles the gritty and nuanced look of the real world.

Some of the better examples I’ve seen are from creepycrawleys on DeviantArt. Not because they did something different but because they leaned heavily into that aesthetic. There’s still a sense of unreality but it works well with the artificial and heightened nature of the images.

This shot is from here and entitled Emily. You can see more from their Deviant Art gallery.


A little old school cool for today’s post. This is Caroline Munro in a shot from the Hammer movie Dracula A.D. 1972. It was far from Hammer’s best Dracula movie, but Ms Munro made at least some parts of it worth watching.

I’m very fond of the old school horror movies that Hammer made from the late 50’s through to the early 70’s. Partly because they’re still fun to watch. Mostly because as a teenager in the pre-internet 80’s, they were often the kinkiest thing on late night tv. Attractive ladies in a low cut tops are good, but attractive ladies who can rip your throat out are better.

More Boxing

I featured artwork of a bondage and box scene a couple of posts ago. A few days later, by odd coincidence, this photograph of a real life bondage and box scene popped up on my feeds. It adds hooded sensory deprivation and electro stimulation into this mix. Not quite sure how the spiderman outfit fits in. Maybe a superhero kink for added fun? Whatever the setup, judging by the floor of the box in the second shot, our friendly neighborhood spiderman did enjoy it.

The was sourced via this tweet from the twitter feed of Trikoot. There’s a lot more bondage shots featured there, all m and M/m scenes.

Perfectly Posed

This shot comes courtesy of Dominatrix Ai. It’s one of those bitter sweet shots for the submissive involved. On the plus side, he’s all tied up and has Dominatrix Ai sitting on him. Which, you know, pretty sweet. On the other hand, he is missing out on the fabulous gams being sported front and center here. I guess as problems go, it’s not a bad one to have.

Dominatrix Ai is a Bay Area based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her twitter feed here.


There’s something very sexy about being packaged up. It manages to combine two disparate feelings. On the one hand carefully packaging something up so it’s safe and secure shows how you much care about that thing. It’s  treasured possession. At the same time to pack something away is to objectify it. What matters is that the object stays where the owner has left it. Where it wants to be is irrelevant. Those are all powerful buttons to push for a lot of kinksters, myself included.

This very hot bondage / packaging image is by a Japanese artist who tweets under the handle @1233288. I think they also go by the name Pouring Rain.

Sourced via this tweet.

Furniture Finale

Today wraps up our short sequence of posts on contemporary furniture and femdom. Oddly enough, just after my last post, I spotted another example of the Wassily chair in a kinky setting. This particularly one came courtesy of Domina Juniper Dolor and a lovely image she’d posted to twitter.  You know how it is, you wait forever for 1920’s German furniture femdom shots to show up, and the two come along all at once.

However, I’m going to finish with a return to Corbusier. The shot below features Mistress Trinity, her roped slave and what looks like the Le Corbusier LC3 sofa. Or, if not that, something clearly inspired by it. The shot itself is a striking one. Full of black leather, shiny surfaces, soft ropes and bound flesh.

Mistress Trinity is an NYC based pro-domme. You can find more from her via her links page.

Chair #2

Today’s post continues the theme of contemporary furniture and femdom. It’s a niche kink, but everyone has their thing.

This is the Wassily chair AKA Model B3, designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925. He was part of the Bauhaus school in Germany. It’s available from Knoll these days. Oh, and there’s also a domme, submissive and some sort of plant lurking in the background.

This image is a render created by the digital artist Nonothing, and sourced from their twitter post. You can find more from them here.


As a fan of modern design and kinky shenanigans this image is right in my wheelhouse. Or maybe I should say, right in my contemporary design dungeon. There’s a lovely symmetry and simplicity to it. The magazine at the end of the shelf adds a nice touch.

I think the chair is Le Corbusier’s Chaise Lounge, AKA LC4. The lady doing the lounging is Natalie Noir, a Zurich based pro-domme. The identity of the gentleman on the floor has yet to be ascertained.

This was sourced from Lady Natalie Noir’s Twitter feed.