Boring Lady Cafe

Continuing the theme of outdoor cafés and ladies taking an afternoon aperetif, here’s some fun artwork by Amlensky. I’m not quite sure why he chose to call it the Boring Lady Cafe – it looks anything but boring – but I like the playfulness of it. The tip or spank option is a nice touch for the waiters.

You can find more of Amlensky’s femdom artwork on DeviantArt or at his Patreon.

What am I, Psychic?

After publishing my previous post on counting strokes in corporal punishment it struck me there was one related thing even more annoying. That is expecting me to automagically know that I’m supposed to do it.

There’ll be the initial hit, then a pregnant pause, followed by a “Well? What do you say?” The brat in me is always tempted to come back with something like “Hmmm. Ow I guess?” But no, it’s always the “One, Thank You Mistress” that has to follow.

This is really part of a bigger pet peeve of mine – assuming that everyone plays the same way. i.e. Their way. I’ve had dommes in introductory sessions tell me off for not knowing the ‘proper slave positions’.  Like there’s some goddamn illustrated manual we’re all supposed to read before we get our kinky freak on. I’ll happily follow orders, but I need to be given them first. There is no one true way.

I’m afraid I don’t know who this is wielding the brush, but she does look like she’s enjoying it.

Count the Ways

Marcelo recently put up a controversial tweet on the protocols of corporal play. He’s since deleted it, so I can’t quote it directly, but the main thrust was that a lot (most?) subs dislike having to count the strokes when receiving a thrashing. He suggested that it takes them out of subspace and doing a ‘thank you’ per stroke seems fake.

I’m not sure why he deleted it. Hopefully it wasn’t because he got a lot of disagreement, because I’m on his side on this one. Obviously there’s no objectively bad play style here – YMMV and I’m sure some people love that protocol. But personally I find it weird to repeatedly say thank you and the counting always pulls me out of subspace. It makes sense in a very traditional school roleplay scene, but I’m not sure why it’s so common outside that niche. Or at least, why it’s so often the default way to do a corporal scene.

The only time I’ve really enjoyed counting the strokes is when it’s done playfully. Sometimes I’m not sure if a stroke really counted or not. Was it a sighting tap or the real thing? What if I don’t count and it really was one? But if I count it, and it wasn’t one, I’ll look like a wuss! That kind of dynamic can be really fun when executed in a teasing way. But if we’re going  for a serious beating, then at least let me zone out into subspace.

I sourced this image from an old tumblr feed. Hunting around led me to this photo print by coop, which appears to be from the same series.

Paying the Talent

Deviant Kade kicked off an interesting discussion with the tweet below. You can browse the thread here along with the quote tweets.

When I see Dommes make slaves pay to be on film, I die a little inside.
If you are using subs for your business they should be paid for their time and energy to make you content. Don’t be greedy. Share, and your subs will give you better content when they feel appreciated.

Reading the replies it’s surprising how many different approaches there are. Some dommes charge the sub, some don’t charge but also don’t pay, some only film with personal subs or trusted clients, some do hire professionals and pay them, etc.

For me the biggest issue with non-professional submissives is the weird pairs it can often lead to. There’ll be a young and gorgeous domme in great shape playing with a balding overweight dude whose twice her age. It takes me out of the dynamic, because I keep wondering why these two would ever be together. I want to watch a fantasy of femdom – not something that feels like a pro-domme / client session.

Of course there are ways to make that kind of disparate pairing work: A butler and a rich young mistress. A twisted daddy / cruel daughter scene. A sugar babe gone bad. The sadistic nurse and her helpless older patient. Unfortunately, all too often simply looks like an older man paying a hot domme to do mean things. Which is fun when I’m the older man in question, but less fun to watch.

This is Mistress T and Deviant Kade goofing about after filming a scene at Femdom Empire. According to Mistress T in the blog post I sourced it from – “He’s one of the best, if not THE best ‘son’ I’ve filmed with for my family fantasy scenes.”


This drawing is by the artist Wighead for a 1930’s novel entitled ‘A Genoux Esclave’. You can see more from the book here and there’s an article on the potential identity of the artist here. I discovered the art and its background via this tweet.

These days the idea of a French maid in a sexy black and white outfit with stockings and a little cap exists almost entirely in fetish scenes and silly Halloween outfits. It has become purely a sexual trope. Yet black and white maid outfits in the 19th and early 20th century were a real thing. They were just far more practical. Here’s a picture of one I found from the same era. So what we’re looking at here is a fetishistic interpretation of what was a contemporary uniform of the time. I find it interesting to look at the artwork from that angle. It has a different feel when you consider it from the perspective of a 1930’s kinkster.

A Spanking for the Weekend

A short and sweet post to start the weekend. This cute artwork is by Yumine Guo and is day 3 of a #kinktober challenge. It makes me smile, as I’m never quite sure what to do with my legs in an over the knee spanking, and it looks like this young man has much the same problem. It’s really not an ideal pose for grown-ups, but the symbolism of it ensures it’s always going to be a popular one.

Spanking Tips

For anyone with an inclination towards spanking, I’d direct your attention to this post by Eris Martinet. It’s described as tips for beginners, but frankly I think it’s a useful refresher for anyone who likes administering a spanking. I’ve had a few sessions where a quick review of this beforehand would have brought benefits.

In particular I’d highlight the need for a good warm up. That often gets cut short. In corporal sessions I frequently find that spanking is generally treated as a warm up in itself. As Ms Martinet makes clear, even a straightforward hand spanking requires a proper warm up period to get the submissive into the right mental and physical space.

This image is from Eris Martinet’s twitter feed. It’s not a spanking specific one, but I love it for her stance, attitude and overall fabulous look. If you’d like to experience a spanking delivered by a real expert then her professional site is here.

Great Line or the Greatest Line?

I have to thank Eris Martinet for sharing what might be my favorite chat-up line of all time. I assume it was delivered at a BDSM party and obviously came from a male admirer.

I’ve come to meet you at this party for a free caning. Now would you like to see photos of my Lamborghini?
Via this tweet.

I just love how much is going on and how little self-awareness exists in those few words. It takes real talent to boast about wealth while simultaneously communicating how cheap you are.

For any readers that can’t see the problem then may I also direct your attention to this article – Penis extensions don’t work, study finds. I know there’s no direct connection between these, but I have the feeling that the kind of guy that boasts about his Lamborghini to a domme he just met is also the kind of guy who’d be in the market for a penis extension. It turns out those operations are about as successful as this line was.

This is Miss Martinet (from her social media feed) spanking Mia, who is doubtless a lot more intelligent and courteous in her approach. If you’re interested in being on the receiving end yourself, then Miss Martinet is UK based and specializes in domestic discipline and behavior correction. Her professional site is here. Oddly her contact form doesn’t have a question on it about what vehicle you drive.

Pride in her Work

I normally don’t post images that feature the cliche of the domme staring into the camera while also engaging in a scene. I understand the idea – allowing the viewer to feel engaged with the domme while also enjoying the activity – but the images always feel very fake and disconnected to me. They emphasize the presence of the photographer and reduce the D/s chemistry.

I’m going to make an exception for this image. Firstly, because his expression and that little raise of his left leg is very cute. Secondly, because I imagine her expression is less a fake stare down, and more a sense of pride.  She’s totally pulling off her look and also nailing his ass. I’m not left thinking how fake it seems, but more that she’s proud of delivering a great moment on camera.

I believe this is from the Shadow Lane site.

Save All The Things!

I have a hoarding problem. Not, I hasten to add, in the physical world. There,  with the exception of kitchen equipment, I tend to the minimal. My hoarding problem is in the virtual world of information. I hate the idea of losing content. It’s so easy to copy around – it happens for every visit on every page for every image – yet we do such a terrible job of preserving old digital sources.

When tumblr announced it was banning all adult content I was therefore particularly perturbed, and set about locally archiving what I could. The initial idea was to just save sites I liked to use as image sources for this blog. I figured I could sort and catalog it all later. That seemed like a fun way to spend the holiday period. However, once I had the pipeline setup and ticking along, things got maybe a little out of hand.

When I finally pulled it all together and de-duplicated, I discovered I’d got  5.1 million images from about 400 sites occupying over 3TB of space. Oops. The cataloging process might therefore be a touch more time consuming than I first thought. Let’s say I want to run through all images just once and spend just 4 seconds per image. With a lot of animated gifs involved, that seems like a pretty fast average pace. If I devote 2 hours every day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, I should be done in a little over 7 years and 9 months. Alternatively, I could quit my job entirely, put in a solid 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and be done in a bit over 2 years and 8 months. Piece of cake.

I guess the good news is that there’s no danger of me running out of images to post. The bad news is that I’m not sure how I’ll be able to sort through them all to find the good stuff.

Talking of archiving content, here’s an old image from the Leda / NuWest company. I’d guess its from the mid to late 80’s. I found it via the now unavailable ‘x ray blue eyes’ tumblr. That was the single largest tumblr site I archived, with 355,247 images. That’s a lot of femdom.