Great Line or the Greatest Line?

I have to thank Eris Martinet for sharing what might be my favorite chat-up line of all time. I assume it was delivered at a BDSM party and obviously came from a male admirer.

I’ve come to meet you at this party for a free caning. Now would you like to see photos of my Lamborghini?
Via this tweet.

I just love how much is going on and how little self-awareness exists in those few words. It takes real talent to boast about wealth while simultaneously communicating how cheap you are.

For any readers that can’t see the problem then may I also direct your attention to this article – Penis extensions don’t work, study finds. I know there’s no direct connection between these, but I have the feeling that the kind of guy that boasts about his Lamborghini to a domme he just met is also the kind of guy who’d be in the market for a penis extension. It turns out those operations are about as successful as this line was.

This is Miss Martinet (from her social media feed) spanking Mia, who is doubtless a lot more intelligent and courteous in her approach. If you’re interested in being on the receiving end yourself, then Miss Martinet is UK based and specializes in domestic discipline and behavior correction. Her professional site is here. Oddly her contact form doesn’t have a question on it about what vehicle you drive.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Great Line or the Greatest Line?”

  1. Haha. Love your wit and sense of humor, Paltego. That was indeed a memorable (and forgettable) one liner. And then onto penis extensions. :o) Can you hear me laughing?

    1. Thanks Celeste. Although I think most of the credit (or misfortune) here goes to Miss Martinet for receiving and sharing that particular line! Glad the post tickled you 🙂


  2. Hi Paltego, I was very amused by this post. Thanks for recording this for posterity.

    It was indeed a BDSM party, to be specific, The Night of the Cane. A fabulous event in the UK.

    The person I am spanking in the photo you uploaded here is a female spankee who goes by the name of Mia. She is gorgeous and indeed, at the more courteous end of the spectrum!

    Eris Martinet

    1. Hi Miss Martinet – Thanks for dropping by to comment! And thanks a lot for sharing that line with the world. Still makes me smile now when I read it again. Glad my post caught your eye and could capture the quote for posterity.

      Apologies for the incorrect original description on the photograph. I’ve updated my text below it appropriately.


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