What would your mother say

Via Spanking Blog comes an entertaining story of how an indiscreet spanking led to an awkward parental conversation. Followed by an even more awkward awakening of long dormant parental kink. I’m not sure what would embarrass me more. My parents finding out about my kinks, or me discovering theirs.

It actually puts me in mind of a conversation I’ve had about this topic with a close friend of mine. She knows about my kinky preferences and has raised the question of what I share with my family. She has a young daughter and hates the thought the she might grow up concealing a huge part of her identity. I understand that. If something’s important to their child it’s important to the parent. At the same time I can’t begin to imagine having that kind of conversation with my parents. The endless analysis of my childhood and exactly where they went wrong would drive me insane. Nobody needs to hear how their toilet training simply must be related to their interest in S&M. Amateur psychology, parental guilt and embarrassing sexual details might make great subjects for a Woody Allen film, but I don’t need it whenever my family are in town.

At least the original story gives me a chance to feature an entertaining spanking themed shot. I’m not sure if this is a plea for mercy or a prayer for punishment. Either way I suspect this ends with that hairbrush getting deployed at speed.

Spanking Prayer

I found this on the Led Marriage and Chastity (aka Carolus666) tumblr. It’s originally from Lina’s House of Discipline.

Return of a blog

I was happy to recently discover that Orlando over at In Scarlet Ink had started blogging again. He’s one of the more literate and thoughtful male submissive bloggers I’ve come across. His blog went through a period of being password protected, and then went on a long hiatus while his partner dealt with a major health issue, but it seem he’s back. If you’ve not read him before a few good background posts might be how he and his partner Murre got together (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4) and his recent return post after the blogging blackout.

He also has a tumblr with a varied collection of images on it. I’ll leave you one he posted based on a theme of ‘inspections’. His comment with the image seemed pretty spot on – “O god she has a clipboard.  That can’t be good.”


The image is originally from the Adventures in CFNM site.

Making a dramatic entrance

Making a dramatic entrance by descending slowly down a staircase is a classic movie and television trope. However, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one quite like this before. She certainly seems quite pleased by what she’s got to show us. As entrances go, she looks wonderful, but she really needs a more impressive staircase to complement her.

Staircase entrance

I found this on the Women rule, boys drool (aka willie2serve) tumblr.

Cross-dressing meth priest liked sex in rectory

This is another post that isn’t particularly femdom themed. It also features the third kinky priest I’ve blogged about in the last week or so. But when I saw the title of the article, as replicated above, I couldn’t resist posting it. The San Francisco Chronicle carried the story in question, and pretty much nailed it in the heading.

The chronology of events isn’t exactly clear from the write-up. Becoming a Catholic priest was obviously step one. Not a great career choice in my view, but fair enough. From that I think he moved onto the cross dressing and having sex with men in the rectory (make your own pun up there). Good for him on that progression. Then he opened an adult video store, possibly the one fact they didn’t manage to cram into the title. Again, I think that’s a perfectly fine and respectable thing to do. Finally, he concluded his richly decorated resume by manufacturing and dealing meth. That’s the point I have to part company with him. It’s a disappointing move for a man of God.

My favorite line in the whole crazy article is…

rectory personnel became concerned and notified diocese officials when Wallin, sometimes dressed as a woman, would entertain odd-looking men, some who were also dressed in women’s clothing and engaging in sex acts.

It makes me wonder – did they need all those things in place before they became concerned? Would the cross-dressing have been OK, but the sex acts really put it over the edge?

I’ll leave you with a cross-dressing image, courtesy of Kimberly Wilder, that’s at little more aligned with a femdom theme. I think she’s being teased with the key to her chastity belt.

Kimberly Wilder drawing

100% goodness

Normally when I pick an image to post it’s because there are one or two interesting details that call out to me. There’s an expression I like, or a cool bit of equipment or a nicely captured emotion. It’s rare that I love everything about an image. This shot is one of those exceptions.

I love the cool inverted suspension with the colored ropes. I love the fact the women is a light sundress rather than dommey leather. The fact she’s a cutey in glasses is an added bonus. I love the books and shelves in the background. It’s not a bleak industrial space or a faux-stone clad dungeon. Most of all I love the mixture of emotions and sense of connection between them. There’s both playfulness and seriousness to it. She looks like she’s caressing his head in one hand, but ready to squeeze him with the other hand.

Inverted Suspension

I found this on Thumper’s Portfolio. Despite hunting with a reverse image search, I couldn’t track down a source for the image. If anyone know’s who shot, published or starred in this, then please let me know via a comment.

Printing your own toys

One of the big new things in the techy world is 3D printing. This works pretty much exactly as it sounds. You plug the printer into your computer, and rather than an image it prints out a three dimensional shape. They’ve been around for years, but have only recently dropped into the consumer price range. They’re still not cheap, but they’re now the price of a high-end television rather than a high-end automobile.

It’s a rule of the universe that any new technology will always get adopted in some way for sex. There are obviously a lot of toy possibilities with this kind of creative tool, particularly given its ability to create highly customized one off shapes. As you’d expect, companies are springing up to target this niche. Insertable toys are tricky at present, as resolution and texture issues need to be resolved. But I’d think that BDSM toys would a great area to target, with all sorts of imaginative torture and constraint options possible.

So far the only example of printable BDSM toys I’ve found is this collar and cuff combination. It’s very crude, but you can definitely see the possibilities it opens up. Starting with that as a template, it’d be interesting to personalize it by adding your own patterns and designs into the basic shape. You could even create special collars for particular events, anniversaries or certain types of play sessions. If you could imagine it, you could create it.

I’ll leave you with a shot of someone wearing a slightly more conventional collar arrangement courtesy of Mistress Alex in NYC.

Mistress Alex

I found this on the Musing of a Mistress tumblr.

The tragic destruction of the environment

It’s a sad and familiar story. A beautiful natural environment is ripped up and defoliated, resulting in the loss of the native species and an ecosystem out of balance. However, in this particular case, I’m not sure the World Wildlife Fund is going to be able to muster a great deal of public sympathy for the creatures under threat. Apparently pubic lice are on the decline, and the blame is being directed towards everyone hacking and slashing at their personal undergrowth. It turns out that when you wax or trim your pubic hair you destroy the lice’s natural habitation and push them onto the endangered species list. What a shame.

The women in the image below seems to be someone at the forefront of the fight against these pesky critters. Not only has she insisted on a very clean shave for him, she’s also beating the area just to ensure any still lurking around are killed. That’s a sign of a particularly caring mistress. He must be very grateful.

Beating his shaved balls

I found this on the Thoughts of a Dork tumblr.

Revisiting the cliché

The peaked cap is a classic look for dominants of both sexes. For female dommes it’s up there with leather corsets, boots and snarling expressions as clichéd elements of the ‘look’.

Personally I was never much of a fan. It struck me as just too stereotypical and ripe for parody. However, having done a session with a domme wearing one, I’m beginning to warm to them. It wasn’t something that I’d requested. I’m not a fetishist and I’m always happy for the dominant to choose and wear whatever she feels like. It even provoked a smile from me when I saw her with it, but in the scene it definitely added something and pushed some of my submissive buttons.

I’d always assumed that the power of the idea came from the military association. Officers wear them, and officers give the orders. There’s definitely an aspect that carries through from that. But I also wonder if there’s something more basic about the design. The horizontal line of the cap helps emphasize the line of the eyes, framing the face and pulling the attention to the wearers gaze. It also hides the softer hair and squares off the head, creating an aggressive profile. It even offers the wearer a degree of control over what they reveal, helping to shield their face is they so desire. I’d always though the military adoption had been an accident of history and BDSM had simply borrowed the psychological aura that came with them. Perhaps there’s actually something more fundamental about the design that makes it work well for both groups.

Peaked Cap on Kay Morgan

This is the model Kay Morgan in a photo shot by phoebus-photos. You can see her in a different angle from the same shoot here. I found the above shot on the S.I.N. tumblr.

The anus is unremarkable

In the comments to yesterday’s post I was reminded of the story of Reverend Gary Aldridge by Miss Margo. It’s another story of self-bondage by a man of God, although with a slightly unhappier ending. Rather than handcuffs, the pastor employed a couple of wetsuits, rubberized underwear, a leather belt and a face and head mask. He complemented this with a dildo in the anus and a hog tie plus ligature combination. Self-bondage is a risky activity at the best of times. Coupling it with autoerotic asphyxiation and a diving suit (or two) and you’re looking at the person voted most likely to be found dead in a horribly embarrassing situation.

I’m certainly not someone who’d critique the Reverend on his kink of choice. I just spent an evening wrapped in much leather with an electrified plug up the butt and a metal probe down the urethra. Freaky is fine. Just don’t do it alone. If you’d like to try some bondage and butt play, just hook up with someone like the young lady below. I’m sure she’ll be happy to fill your need. Although you might want to be prepared in case she calls you up the next day and asks if you’ve still got her wristwatch.


For anyone who doesn’t recognize it, the post title is an internet meme. Autopsy reports use that phrase and it has become an in-joke on some forums. Somebody will post a strange sex story and the response will be “Yes, but was the anus unremarkable?”

Site updates

I’ve been doing some housekeeping. Dead links have been trimmed and new links introduced. It’s always a shame to lose a link that I’ve appreciated in the past. Tumblr’s tend to the ephemeral, but seeing a well crafted blog stop or simply disappear makes me sad. Of the recent removals, Femi’s thoughts will be particularly missed.

On a more positive note, I’ve refreshed the blogroll on the right, and added two new blogs to the blog page:

On the image page I’ve added a number of new tumblr links:

Hopefully there should be a little something for everyone in that collection. I’ll leave you with an image that featured on at least two of the newly added tumblr’s (Domina Desires and Thoughts of a dork).


The original source for this image is the Brutal Facesitting site.