Professor of Pegging

If you’re NYC based and interested in kink workshops then you might want to check out the Taillor Collective. There’s a good article on them in The Cut which goes into particular detail on their pegging workshop.  It looks like they also run Femdom parties if you’re less into lessons and more into playing.

This isn’t an image from one of their parties. It’s a somewhat random strap-on shot I found via a tumblr.  No idea of the source but I like the apparent candid nature of it.

We’re Back, Baby!

Eagle eyed readers may have spotted a few issues with this site over the last couple of weeks. At first it was flaky and randomly unresponsive. Then it fell over entirely. This was down to my old hosting company who  – and  I say this with no malice or hyperbole – turned out to be a useless shower of bastards. Multiple support tickets filed generated zero response, so I can only assume they’re about to go belly up and everyone competent has either been fired or quit.

Fortunately I managed to move the site to a new host who have been both responsive and amazingly helpful to date. Unfortunately, the only site back-up I had available to restore was from 2 years ago. Meaning that the last 2 years of posts  – around 350 of them – have vanished from the site. You’ll observe that the post previous to this one is dated from December 2020.  Potentially I could rebuild content using the Web Archive Site, but I suspect I’m just going to move forward from here. Life is too short to dwell on past screw-ups.

Apologies to everyone whose comments over the past two years have been lost. I promise to implement a better backup strategy moving forward. Hopefully normally blogging service should now be resumed. I’ll start this new era with an image from the artist Faun Songs. It features a young lady doing to a young man what I feel my old hosting company just did to me. Only without any lube, foreplay or happy smiles.

Interactive Gags

I’ve been surprised in the past by how much some dommes like throat fucking. From both comments on social media and personal experience it’s clearly a real button pusher. On multiple occasions I’ve been spluttering and coughing on a dildo wondering ‘Why?’

I guess I shouldn’t be too perplexed. Gags are hot, and a strap-on in the mouth is just an interactive form of that. From the domme perspective of intimate penetration and generating a strong reaction, there’s not much too choose between the throat or the anus. In fact, if you want to watch for a subs response, the face works way better. It’s just the submissive’s bad luck that they don’t have a prostate in the back of the throat. Which makes me wonder – was there ever a gay version of deep throat that went with that particular spin?

This is by the artist Skyldfri, sourced from this specific tweet.

Vintage Pegging

I’m continuing my theme of vintage femdom imagery with another unusual image. This time it’s not the outfits or setting which are odd – they look pretty standard for 70’s kinky porn – but the activity. Whips, leather outfits and bad bondage are common in vintage shots, but you almost never find pegging scenes like this one. Until the last decade or so it was very risky in the US to combine sex with BDSM in pornography and anal penetration fell under that categorization. I’d therefore guess that this is from a European publication. Of course they wouldn’t have called it pegging at the time – that term wasn’t coined until Dan Savage came along in 2001.

Updated: Bacchus of ErosBlog added an amazing comment with some detailed research on this image. It looks like it came from Candy Films, a forerunner of Color Climax Corporation. Almost certainly it was published in the early 70’s, and probably in a magazine called Man Servant.

A Good Birthday Boy

This sexy image is a bit of a two for one deal. It’s by the artist Voize, but features two characters from the Smutty Rogue as a birthday tribute. You can see the original tweet here. There’s something very appealing about men looking good in lingerie while retaining their masculinity.

If you’d like to see more from Voize they have a very affordable Patreon set up here.

Pegging Across State Lines

Social distancing requirements have thrown up a lot of complex questions for kinky people who play with those outside their social bubble. Should you wear masks? Does it even help to wear a mask if you’re inside and in close proximity for hours? Should you tailor activities to minimize face to face contact? What period should you leave between play partners? These are challenging issues to navigate.

Fortunately, for at least the pegging lovers, there might be a simple answer to these questions. Somebody out there thought long and hard about all these problems and came up with this, the socially distanced strap-on. No need for glory holes or hazmat suits. Now you can peg someone from across the room. Possibly even from the next room.

I thought at first this was a joke, but there’s actually an indiegogo project for it. For anyone into infeasibly long fake dongs, and who doesn’t feel like duct taping a dildo to a broom handle, this might be just what you’re looking for.

Pegging Pleasure

For the longest time I didn’t understand why dommes liked pegging. I was grateful they did, but very hung-up on the comparison with regular PIV sex from the male perspective. A dildo doesn’t have nerve endings in it, so why is it a fun thing to wield?

I’m afraid to say that several years passed before the penny dropped. Most BDSM activities don’t result in direct physical pleasure for the top. Whether it’s bondage or caning, piercing or sounding, the pleasure for the top is far more complicated than nice friction at a good spot. It’s about control, feedback, invasion, responsiveness, reactions and emotions. Pegging framed through a simple male perspective of pleasure seemed odd. Seen in the spectrum of other BDSM activities, as a way to play with pleasure, pain and control, it makes total sense. Realizing that actually made me enjoy it more from the submissive perspective. It felt less selfish to indulge in.

I mention all this because of this twitter thread, featuring a number of dommes posting their love of pegging. The image below is taken from it, featuring Lady Valeska. I love her relaxed, confident and in control attitude that comes through in this shot.

Lady Valeska is a London based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her twitter feed here.


I’ve reached that stage of kinky deprivation and social isolation that my dreams are starting to get strange. I’m probably just a few weeks away from storing my urine in jars and replacing my shoes with tissue paper boxes.

Last nights dream was particularly special. I’d rented a big holiday home for my friends and extended family. In reality the idea of holidaying with my extended family would be insane, but that’s dreams for you. Everyone had gone on a daytrip, and I’d used the opportunity to hook up with a local domme at the house. It wasn’t any specific domme I know, just a generally hot, fun and kinky person my crazy brain dreamed up and put a big ‘domme’ label on. Our shared energy was great and my anticipation was almost unbearable.

She’d pulled on a strap-on harness over her regular clothes, attached an enormous white dong and then headed downstairs to get a drink of water. Pegging is thirsty work. I was running around getting towels and lube, when my cousin walked past the bedroom door. With a horrible sinking feeling I realized my family had all returned ahead of time. I rushed downstairs to find my parents talking to the domme in the kitchen. They were having one of those happy, chatty ‘It’s lovely to meet you, heard so much about you….’ type conversations, while the domme is standing there with an enormous white dong bobbing on her crotch. Everyone is being very polite and very British, while desperately trying not to look at it. Then I woke up.

The funny thing was that my waking emotion wasn’t embarrassment or frustration. It was anger. I was incredibly pissed about everyone coming back early and ruining my scene.  Those inconsiderate bastards. It took me a couple of minutes to center myself and realize the whole thing was just my brain screwing with me.

This isn’t quite the dong in question – the dream one was  a lot bigger and more obvious – but the general outfit and attitude lines up. This is of course the great Nina Hartley shooting for the crashpad series.