Happy Memories

Lack of play has got me thinking about past sessions. In particular I was thinking about the little expressions and sayings that have pushed my buttons and given me a sudden rush of subby happiness. An obvious candidate is ‘Good Boy’ which never fails to please, but others have been less predictable. Below are a few examples taken from experiences earlier this year.

“God, I love masochists.”
This was uttered by a domme less as specific praise to me, and more as a general declamation to the world. At the time I was tied to a chair with my legs spread and I was beginning to space out as she jammed her heels hard into my inner thighs. I think it was my physical arousal and eagerness for the pain that triggered the statement.

“Oh – Owie! Owie! Owie!”
Said in a mock sympathetic and caring tone while the domme was looking into my eyes and doing something vicious to my genitals. That emotive phrase from childhood in the context of a sadistic scene was a great button pushing contrast.

“He follows directions well.”
Not actually said to me directly, but put in a tweet the day before our session. I’d not met the domme before and she was tweeting generally about her session planning process and the new client she was seeing the next day. Seeing myself described that way put me in a happy subby space hours before the session started.

“It’s so wet, and warm, and you’re so, so close.”
Said during some tease & denial play. I was tightly bound and the domme, having trapped my dick between her upper thighs, leaned in to whisper this into my ear. You can probably guess what she was referring to. The memory of her scent and breath on my cheek still gives me a shiver today.

This image has no particular connection to the above quotes, other than the fact I like it and it gives me a similar subby buzz. Clearly from the watermark it’s a Mistress Sophia from NYC, but she appears to have retired from the scene.


I’m beginning to get somewhat angsty and to crave human contact. Preferably of the painful kind. That’s strange for me, as I’m generally a very self-contained person and independent person. Yet right now I’d love to be hugged, bitten, pinched and sat upon. I mean those are always fun things, but I don’t typically crave them in the same way I do right now.

Pony Patronage

At the start of the year I posted artwork from Michael Manning that was commissioned by @DrPonyBatBond, featuring him with Mistress Michelle Lacy. I mentioned at the time how happy it made me to see someone actually paying an artist to celebrate their kinks and relationships. What I hadn’t realized was that this was not a first. DrPonyBatBond reached out to me and mentioned that the Michael Manning illustration was just one of over sixty similarly themed pieces that he’s commissioned over the last few years!

If you’re interested in seeing more of the pieces and hearing the background to them from DrPonyBatBond and Mistress Michelle Lacy, then Dirk Hooper has an excellent article on them here. It features more of the art and interviews with the two featured subjects. They’re a nice example of how a professional relationship can, in some cases, be a rich and nuanced one.

There are so many fun illustrations in the article that it’s hard to pick a favorite to feature, but this one by Moon Eater did catch my eye. It has a nice blend of the playful and the serious.


Yesterday, while I was hiding at home from a worldwide pandemic, I was first hit with an earthquake (not in my State, but I certainly felt it) and then, just minutes later, an intense hailstorm. Meanwhile, over in Africa, they’re being swarmed by locusts. Can we please figure out what we’ve done to piss God off and fix it? Personally, I’m betting that it’s evangelicals letting Trump get away with identifying as Christian. That has annoy the almighty.

Alternatively, if God has decided to take a vacation, can we figure out the next supernatural entity inline and cut a deal? For example, I bet there’s no end of guys willing to be sacrificed to Satana. Particularly if she’s wearing that outfit. Just don’t let any of the current idiots in charge do the negotiation, or we’ll all end up burning in a lake of fire in return for 2% off the top rate of tax.

F-cking Magnets, How DO They Work?

In a totally non-kinky aside, I enjoyed this story about a man’s misadventures with magnets. Apparently it’s possible to simultaneously be a very smart Doctor of Astrophysics and have all the common sense of a five year old with a nostril sized toy. I particularly liked the attitude of his partner, who took him to the hospital where she worked on the basis that her colleagues would all enjoy a good laugh.

His description of the scene reminded me of the magnetic ball clamps that can be used to create similar but more deliberately painful effects. My experiences with them in the past engendered a certain degree of sympathy to his plight. If anyone out there really enjoys really severe pinching and tight clamps, I’d recommend investing in the magnetic variety. Just don’t get them anywhere near your nose.

Finding images of femdom featuring magnets proved somewhat tricky. So here’s Mistress T adopting a slightly more old fashioned approach to applying a squeeze.

Stay at Home

I hope everyone is managing to deal with whatever their local social distancing or quarantine situation is right now. For me it’s mostly like normal life, except my friends keep texting me to complain about it. While the lack of a fabulous domme quarantine partner for kinky shenanigans is sad, I’m grateful that I don’t have to deal with annoying roommates or hyperactive children bouncing off the walls.

This artwork, by Mad Tomy, manages to pull off an amazing feat (feet?) – hot femdom art featuring someone wearing crocs. In fact it’s doubly unique, as it’s an attractive dominant nurse wearing what looks like a regular modern nurse outfit. No latex, miniskirts, lab coats or vintage uniforms involved.

The artist has a primary site here and a DeviantArt account here. If you’re a fan of femdom fighting, then he’s definitely worth checking out.

Woof, Woof!

Given the love for animals that most dommes have, being classed as a puppy might be a best case scenario for some submissives. Just don’t blow your cover by talking, walking or refusing any tasty treats on offer.

This is from the web comic series ‘Sadistic Beauty’ by Yeon-hui Woo. It contains a lot of femdom themes – I’ve featured it here before – along with beautiful artwork. If you’re interested in seeing more of it, there are several versions available online – Korean, English and Japanese.

Chasing Cars

I was musing yesterday on the contradictions in how I play and find pleasure. After I wrote the post it struck me that what initially seemed strange is actually pretty normal when it comes to kink. A lot of it is inherently contradictory.

Take chastity play for example. The internet’s caption industry would have you believe that there are countless women out there who live for locking dicks away. In reality I’m sure that the vast majority of instigators for chastity play are men. They’re so desperate to orgasm while being simultaneously desperate to be told they can’t orgasm. Denial is a hell of a drug.

Bondage is often a similar story. It’s all very briar patch. Most scenes involve a dynamic of “Oh please don’t tie me up and do terribly painful things to me! Oh no! I simply can’t get away…. hold on … that lower rope is pinching. Can you … OK … that’s better. Now where was I … Oh! That hurts so much…”

Kinksters are like dogs chasing cars. The end goal doesn’t make much sense and we probably wouldn’t enjoy it much if we ever got there. It’s the thrill of the chase, the joy of the moment and the idea of the unobtainable goal that we live for.

This particular doggy clearly chased one too many cars, and is now being caged for his own safety. Sadly I think the site that originally created this image has ceased to exist.

Strange Choices

Mercy, Maria! has done a highly scientific survey (AKA twitter poll) and discovered that 75% of penis-enjoying dommes also like PIV sex. This survey is of course targeting the tired and stupid cliche that dommes should never has sex with their submissives as that’s not a dominant thing to do. That 75% number doesn’t surprise me, as I’ve been onboard this particular train for many years. For example, in this series of posts here, here and here. Dominance flows from the dynamic and attitude of those involved, not the activities they do.

However, the survey did get me thinking about some of the sessions I’ve done in the last year. Not, I hasten to add, because they involve any PIV activity. There’s no sex in the champagne room or the pro-domme dungeon, but there can be a lot of tease and denial in both, which I personally love. It’s that sense of being so close and yet so far from satisfaction, riding along that fine edge of frustration. I’m normally reduced to an incoherent endorphin crazed mess when a domme rubs against me, whispers into my ear how hot, wet and tight she is, how close to her pussy I am, and then laughingly beats my dick down with the nearest implement to hand.

The idea of having sex being a turn on is probably not going to be earth shattering news to anyone. Yet the thing is, if I wanted to actually put my P into someone’s V, I could arrange that. I could easily book a fun and attractive escort rather than a pro-domme. I could even go really nuts and do that thing people do with the coffee and the dinner and the conversation … you know .. something beginning with D. Dancing? Dillydallying? Dating! That’s it. Yet somehow I choose to play with someone who’ll never have sex with me, yet at the same time uses the idea of it against me, to arouse me and then hurt me.

This artwork is by fruit succubus via this tweet. They have a DeviantArt account here and will accept commissions.