
Regular readers will know I often like to do a series of related posts, picking on a common theme. In this case I’m going for a post of contrasts. The last one featured excessively ornate decor. This one has no decor at all. It’s almost surreal in it’s level of minimalism. It comes courtesy of the Coiled Up site, and this sequence of striking pegging images. While the decor may be minimal, that big shiny strap-on certainly isn’t.

Pegging from Coiled Up

In the tank

Here’s my final water themed post for the foreseeable future. Seattle has now returned to its traditional rain and, more significantly, I’ve run out of interesting water images to feature.

I like this combination of heavy chains and water. There’s a nice duality to the idea of chains as both bondage and a weight pulling him under. The big glass tank is also pretty cool. I really think kinky porn studios should invest more in unusual equipment and visual impressive scenes. Regular movies range from intimate character driven dramas through to crazy over-the-top special effect extravaganzas. In contrast most porn is somewhere between an Adam Sandler comedy and a Will Ferrell comedy. i.e. Middle of the road crap to middle of the road occasionally good. I’m not going to hold my breath for the porn version of a Jim Jarmusch movie, but surely creating a visually striking Luc Besson equivalent is not beyond the wit of a big kink studio.

In the tankThis is obviously a Divine Bitches shoot. I believe it feature Wolf Hudson and Mistress Isis. It’s not often you see a swimmer’s nose clip in a porn shoot.

Problems all left alone

A friend asked me over dinner how my day had been. I told him that I woke up late, then got beaten up by a talented and attractive lady, and finished by drinking a cappuccino in the sun. It wasn’t quite sangria in the park, but it was pretty good all the same.

I hope all my readers had an equally good end to their week. And for those that didn’t, maybe these beautiful bondage shots will provide a small boost. They certainly made me feel happy. They’re from a set of 5 images, all of which are well worth looking at in the full size versions. I believe the original source is the Two hours project tumblr.

Rope Bondage
Rope Bondage

Just a rat in a cage

Fans of playing in cages will probably be interested in this article. Alternatively, if cages don’t do it for you, how about accommodation in New York for $1 a night? The cage in question, owned by an artist, looks a lot nicer and bigger than a lot of New York hotel rooms that cost hundreds of dollars more. There are a lot of rules associated with it, but violating them only costs $100 per day, which would still make it an incredibly cheap place to stay.

Sadly it doesn’t come with any guards willing to do deliciously evil things to the prisoner. So if you want to reenact this kind of scene, you’ll have to bring your own. And keep in mind that the whole thing is live streamed 24/7.


The image features Jasmine Byrne and Phantom in a Men in Pain scene. I found it via the Seductive Domme tumblr.

Trouble for the Duke

When someone fitting the description of ‘evil fairytale queen’ calls for her guards, you know trouble is in store for a hapless hero. When said queen has their genitalia in her hands at that moment, things are really looking bad.

Trouble For The Duke

This artwork is in the distinctive style of Hanz Kovacq, and is taken from his Hilda series. I originally spotted it on the Lunar Black tumblr.

Artwork, video and an apology

Apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of days. It turns out that while I can usually balance blogging, work and a social life, I can’t also squeeze watching the World Cup into that schedule. Hopefully normal service will now be resumed.

While I’m on the subject of the World Cup, I feel I should point my readers at this Kia advertisement for it starring Adriana Lima. It’s not strictly femdom, but I’m fairly certain a decent percentage of my audience will enjoy it.

If Ms Lima in high heels doesn’t do anything for you, let me offer this drawing as an alternative. It’s by the artist Blacksmith. If you like it then you’ll be happy to know there are a number of similar pieces on the artist’s tumblr.

Artwork by Blacksmith

Cock of the wall

This struck me as a very surreal image when I first spotted it. For a moment or two I wondered if it had been Photoshopped after the fact by an amateur pornographer, until this second shot suggested otherwise. There’s such an odd sense of disconnect and contrast between the two sides of it.

I can’t say I’m turned on by it. I like an emotional connection in my scenes. A normal glory hole is anonymizing and dehumanizing . A glory hole with a mechanical fucking device is perversely so. Yet it is an interesting shot. I wonder if it was actually someone’s fantasy? Or was it created as a kinky mad lib? If you give infinite kinksters unlimited toys and endless film footage, will they eventually publish every possible kinky fantasy?

Glory Hole scene

This is Claire Adams with Rick Hunt performing for Men in Pain. I originally found it on the Felm Cyber tumblr.

Rope and smiles

After a long week, here’s something sexy and happy for the weekend. It’s by Heat.Hawk13 and features Honey and JackPotMatt. You can find other equally appealing images by him over at the Digital Silver tumblr.

It’s an image that puts me in mind of a Simpsons quote. They’re wistfully watching the Hibberts race snowmobiles, and Homer tries to reassure them “That’s not as fun as it looks”. Lisa’s deadpan response is that “Nothing could be as fun as that looks.”

Image by Heat.Hawk13

Riding the horse

The tumblr comment on this picture gets it exactly right when it says it’s an uncommon picture of a male riding the wooden horse. This particular torture device crops up fairly often in both artwork and photographs with female submissives, yet almost never with males. I’m not really sure why that is, given that the device was historically used on men, including soldiers in the US civil war. It does seem particularly common in Japanese erotic artwork, so perhaps modern BDSM has taken its cultural cue from there rather than from Western history.

WoodenHorseThis is originally from Divine Bitches.