Sex addicts anonymous

I’ve never been particularly convinced by the idea of sex addiction and this article by Dr Marty Klein does a good job of knocking the concept down. What I found particularly fascinating was the link he provided to a sexual addiction test. In just a few minutes you can allegedly find out if you’re a sex addict.

I took the test, answered honestly, and discovered that I was in fact a sex addict. Surprised by that result I took it again, answered equally honestly, and discovered that I was not a sex addict. This seemed to suggest the survey methodology might be a touch flawed. The problem is the ambiguity of the questions. Two different but valid interpretations can give two different but valid answers. For example…

  1. Are any of your activities against the law?
    Well it depends what US state I’m in, but if I’m doing it right, yes.
  2. Have you ever felt degraded by your sexual behaviors?
    Personally I think it’s hot when a domme pees in my mouth, but it’s a good sort of degradation. Does that count?
  3. Do you hide some of your sexual behaviors from others?
    I have to be honest. I haven’t told 100% of my friends about my love of electrified butt plugs.
  4. Do you spend a considerable time surfing pornography online?
    Well this blog isn’t going to write itself. But it’s purely for research purposes. Honest.
    etc. etc.

Oddly one of the questions asks if you regularly engage in sadomasochistic behavior. So presumably that’s some sort of indicator. Maybe my first survey result was right after all. And judging by his expression, the gentleman below might be in danger of developing my addiction as well. That young lady is clearly a dangerous sex dealer.

Happy Pegging

This image is originally from Strapon Dreamer. I found it via the Your Vengeful Goddess tumblr.

Glimpses of the past

I’ve been enjoying dipping and diving around the links on this page. It’s a collection of interviews, articles and photographs from old BDSM publications. To be frank the site itself is a bit of a mess. There’s very little context given and the presentation is horribly jumbled and confusing. However, there’s some interesting stuff there if you’re willing to dig around. For example, this article on Cynthia Slater covers background on the San Francisco SM scene and the formation of the society of Janus in the early 70’s.

The image below, of Empress Kat Prowles, is one that brings back some memories for me. There were several shots of this domme regularly recycled on usenet in the 90’s. I didn’t know anything about her, but the pictures stuck in my mind. It was an era of really bad femdom porn. Typically it consisted of conventional glamor models pulling on a pair of boots and waving a limp flogger towards a camera. It cemented in my mind a sense of unreality around BDSM. That it was all just a fantasy that people didn’t really do. Then I stumbled across the shots of the lady below. She looked real. Like she actually might want to hit me. And that she might even enjoy it. It was one of the first times I imagined myself interacting with a domme, rather than simply jerking off to a leather clad porn model. Those sexy sneering models have all long faded from my mind, but the shot below has stuck with me for well over a decade now.

Empress Kat Prowles

The boyfriend trainer

For those looking to enjoy some virtual domestic violence, I have just the app for you. As this yahoo post describes, an Apple app called ‘The Boyfriend Trainer’ let’s you lead a guy around on a leash and slap/zap/mace him as you desire.

“Crack that whip and teach your guy a thing or two about being the Perfect Boyfriend!” reads the game’s description. “When scolding doesn’t work, just zap him, whack him and train him to be your ideal man!”

It sounds like a fairly stupid and obnoxious digital toy, but that’s not what annoys me about it. What really bugs me is what I’m sure would happen if this got tweaked into a BDSM app. After all, a lot of the actions described are things some men (including this one) enjoy immensely in the right circumstances. With some minor changes to the game scripts, and a new marketing campaign to cast it as a consensual D/s interaction, much of the criticism would be mollified. Of course if that was the application in question, Apple would undoubtedly ban it from the app store. They don’t allow sexual applications.

Jezebel points it out as a double standard between men and women. What annoys me far more than that is the double standard on sex and violence. Media featuring non-consensual sex and violence is a big part of mainstream culture. This application is a good example, along with movies available on iTunes like The Last House on the Left or I Spit on Your Grave. Yet mix sex and consensual violence together and you’re instantly confined to the porn ghetto.

Luckily there are better ways to train a boyfriend than swiping your iPhone screen. From the smile on the lady below, I’d guess she’s pretty happy with the progress from her training regime to date.

Pegging with a smile

I found this image on the Mujeres Dominantes tumblr. It’s originally from the Strapon Dreamer site.

Making a dramatic entrance

Making a dramatic entrance by descending slowly down a staircase is a classic movie and television trope. However, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one quite like this before. She certainly seems quite pleased by what she’s got to show us. As entrances go, she looks wonderful, but she really needs a more impressive staircase to complement her.

Staircase entrance

I found this on the Women rule, boys drool (aka willie2serve) tumblr.

Something simple

There’s a beautiful simplicity and rawness to this image. It manages to capture a moment without an excess of detail. Her expression suggests both amusement and satisfaction. She’s judging the angle and force, reacting to and enjoying his response. He’s caught on that balance point between pleasure and pain. Clenching his fists as she thrusts, closing his eyes as he relaxes into the penetration.

Drawing of a couple pegging

I found it on thumper’s portfolio. I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the original artist is. If anyone can help me attribute it correctly the please leave a comment on the post. I’d appreciate it.

Smile for the camera

The domme staring down into the camera lens is a long standing femdom porn tradition. This image adds a nice twist to it by her forcing the submissive male to stare back with her. You could read it as her indicating “They’re going to watch while I fuck you.” Or you could read it as “You’re mine so sit up and pose properly for the nice photographer.” Either way I kind of like it.

PosedThe image comes originally from the Strapon Dreamer site. I found it on The Heart’s Dark Desire (aka Women With Whips) tumblr.

My what a big one

That’s a rather large black cock she’s sporting. It puts me in mind of an expression from my childhood referring to greed – “His eyes were bigger than his belly.”  In this case it’s not going to be his belly that the gentleman on the receiving end will have to worry about.

I also like the contrast between the big strap-on, her conventional attire and the few leather bondage/fetish items on the table. It suggests an interesting ongoing scene that we’ve just caught a single moment from.

Big black strap-on

I found this on the Prostate Lessons tumblr.

Say it with flowers

I’m not sure if the rose was a gift and she’s now showing her appreciation, or if she’s using it as a fun way to torment him while they have sex. Either way it’s a nice image. They both look like they’re enjoying themselves.

The artist is Gina Biggs. It’s from the site Filthy Figments which carries erotic comics created by women.

Romantic pegging scene

I found this image on the Femdom 7 site.

Committing Interesting Adultery

The US press has been full of the David Petraeus scandal recently (catch up on a summary here). I’m not aware of any specific femdom angle, but I did think it a great example of how incredibly stupid sex and sexual attraction can make people.

Here’s a guy who is clearly highly intelligent. He’s very well known, and in a high profile job. Any public scandal will be world news and taint his name and career forever. His position in the army and intelligence community make any kind of secret affair a sackable offense. It’s not like being an American CEO or European politician where you can get away with these kind of things. On top of all that, he’s in a job where he’s highly likely to get investigated and his communication scrutinized. Even if they’re not looking for an affair it might be exposed as part of another investigation that accidentally uncovers it. Yet, despite all that, he still goes ahead and fools around with his attractive biographer. What a very intelligent idiot.

I’d like to think there’s a lesson here. A morale that we can perhaps take to heart. But I suspect it’s the fact that horny people do stupid things. This is unlikely to be news to anyone. Or to influence anyone’s future behavior. Given that his paramour ended up blowing the whole thing by sending some crazy emails to a perceived rival, maybe the lesson should be a phrase that I picked up from Mistress Matisse: Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

I’m not sure where this uniformed lady is planning to stick her dick, but she looks a little pensive about it. Let’s hope crazy won’t feature on the other end of it.

Uniformed lady with strap-on