That ineffable something

Sometimes a photograph grabs you and you’re not sure why. The model may be attractive, but not anymore so than hundreds of others out there. The outfit is nothing special. The pose is conventional. But something about the image causes that familiar twist of excitement. Below is a perfect example for me of one of those ineffable images.

Girl With Leather PaddleI found this on the women with whips tumblr site. Unfortunately there’s no watermark or attribution that I can use to give the original source.

More xrenderer

Judging from my server logs, xrenderer is one of the most popular femdom artists people look for (right after nanshakh and sardax). He’s also one of the most elusive artists, possessing no obvious site or homepage. I’m afraid I can’t shed any light on the artist himself, but I did find this image in a zip file of xrenderer images I stumbled upon. I love the lighting and textures he’s created. And of course the hot strap-on sex imagery isn’t bad either.

xenderer strap-on sex

Painless Dentistry

They say breathplay can be dangerous. But who would know better than a nurse? This one even appears to have training in anesthesiology. And if something does go wrong, what better place to get treated?

Smoothering NurseThe image appears to be signed ‘bubex’. Unfortunately I can’t find any references to that artist name online. If anyone can help with a proper attribution then drop me a line.

Blowtorch Torture

I’ve played with cell popping in the past. It’s a body mod technique where a very hot needle is used to ‘pop’ or burn the skin in a very localized way. It’s relatively painless when applied to most parts of the body (for me at least), but unsurprisingly gets considerably more painful when applied to nipples or used as a form of CBT. Oddly enough, when it is combined with CBT, it also ends up functioning as a type of chastity play. When your genitals are covered in small burns for a couple of weeks, there is a strong incentive not to rub them!

I’m not sure what the exact intentions of this lady are, but just imaging her leaning forward and gently pressing the red hot needle against a tender place gives me a pleasant shiver.

Dominatrix with Blowtorch

The Sensual Lady Ramirez

Normally when you think of a dominatrix the typical adjectives that leap to mind are words like strict, stern, sadistic and serious. But whenever I see photographs of the beautiful Lady Ramirez the word that always leaps to my mind is sensual. I give you this face sitting shot as a case in point.

Lady Ramirez Face SittingFrom what little of seen of her in action she certainly doesn’t lack the other qualities, and can bind and beat slaves with the best of them. But even in a more standard ‘serious mistress’ pose, she still projects a far more carnal and lush image than I get from almost any other mistress. I give you her version of the conventional ‘mistress with crop on throne’ shot below as further evidence.Lady Ramirez on ThroneHer website has a number of free images along with a member option for more images and videos. And if you’re in the Cologne area then arranging a personal session looks to be possible.

Stewardess Femdom

I think this qualifies as another slightly puzzling femdom drawing from japan. Presumably, judging from the emergency door and outfit, she’s an airline stewardess in the process of making an announcement on the cabin intercom. She seems to have a fairly unique way of dealing with passengers who really will not stay in their seats when they’re told to.

Personally, speaking as someone who just yesterday spent 3 hours in the cattle market section of an aircraft, I’d have paid significantly more than the cost of the first class upgrade for this particular seating arrangement.

Stewardess FemdomI’ve no idea where this is from, and the artists style isn’t familiar to me. The fact she’s smoking on a plane suggests an old image, but it might just be a little artistic license to add another fetish element.

Bullwhip, boots and a stare

The bullwhip and the boots are nice, but it’s the stare that really works for me in this photograph.

 Imagine being naked and chained on your knees in the corner of the room in this derelict building. She takes a confident step forward and pivots around, carefully swirling the whip to measuring the distance, before letting fly with a graceful overhand stroke….

Spotted on ‘The Delights Garden’ tumblr site.

Claudia Varrin on Female Dominance

 I was still floating from an intense BDSM scene earlier today when I saw this quote from Claudia Varrin on the [sex] [death] [rebirth] site. 

Few, if any, experiences can compare with the levels of sexual and emotional intensity evoked by the BDSM encounter…There are three states of altered consciousness, or three levels of ecstasy, that can be achieved while enacting BDSM rituals. These states are sensation, catharsis, and finally, insight. Each state can provide a forum for the positive loss of inhibitions. These ecstatic states can reward one with new insights, knowledge, and creativity, and refine and define the self. We open ourselves up to sensation, whether it be physical, as in the case of a beating, or emotional, as when we experience the inner thrill of exposing our most secret selves. Sensation leads to catharsis, which is a purification or purgation that causes spiritual renewal or a release of tension. Catharsis from a spiritual BDSM experience can leave one feeling cleansed and released from old issues. From this, one can come away from the experience with feelings of well-being and new vigor, new zest for life. Catharsis through BDSM experience is a release into a new purity and joyful satisfaction.

Claudia Varrin (Female Dominance: Rituals and Practices)

Personally I don’t think I’ve ever been gifted with deep insight after a scene. Maybe I’m doing it wrong. I normally just feel free spacey and happy. Plus, there’s a lot of shaking going on as the adrenalin dumps itself into my system. But sensation and catharsis are certainly huge components of any good scene. And I can’t argue with the opening line about the level of sexual and emotional intensity BDSM can invoke.