Mistress Cheyenne

I noticed on this post over at ‘The Hang‘, that Mistress Cheyenne had commented that her days in front of the camera for clubdom are long since over. That’s a great shame as she was always a very enjoyable domme to watch in action. I remember her being particularly vicious to her slaves balls, so the image below seems a suitable one to commemorate her work with. The humbler and the cane stripes across the ass must have been painful, but if you look closely you can see a stripe across the balls, and that must have been agony.

Mistress CheyenneFortunately her site, clubdom is still very much alive, with her working behind the camera. So hopefully her fine sense of sadism will be carried forward into the future.

Human Pets (part 5)

My last post on the human pet topic, for a while at least.

This image is obviously from Michael Manning, of the Spider Garden and Tranceptor series fame. I always enjoy his work on an artistic and aesthetic level, but I also often find it a little cold and abstract. I don’t often get an emotional connection with it. This image on the other hand, manages to both be beautifully drawn and very hot.

I think it’s the clever dog costume that makes it work so well. The bondage is believable but extremely strict, and it enforces a nicely composed and balanced dog shape. The two little drips from the muzzle and his cock are a nice touch.

Mistress and Dog by Michael Manning

Human Pets (part 4)

So after dogs and ponies in the last couple of posts, we get to cows.

There are many interesting and thought provoking comments that one could choose to make about this male farm animal fantasy. But unfortunately, the one thing that has drawn my attention is the size of that bucket. That’s going to take some filling. Assuming she can get 7L in that bucket (a little under 2 gallons) and the average amount of semen in a single ejaculation is 5ml, then it’ll take 1,400 orgasms to fill it. If we assume the numbering on the stalls is correct and that they’re all full, that’s 70 per ‘cow’. Ouch. Also at 4 minutes a spurt, it’ll take 5,600 minutes or a little under 4 days to get them all. She’d better enlist some help. And I should probably not think about this stuff so much.

05:00 Milking Time by xrendererThe image is of course from the always excellent xrenderer.

Human Pets (part 3)

Just for a change, a little femdom/femsub material.

Unlike the idea of being a caged indoor pet, the concept of being a pony never does a lot for me. I suspect that’s because pony play implies the idea of work. Hard work. Pulling buggies. Offering rides. Trotting around fields. I find it tough to fetishize anything that involves me doing a lot of manual labor. *

However, I decided to post this anyway. Partly because I think the pony boots and the bit gag are sexy. But mostly because it features Ashley Renee. She was one of the first bondage models I saw online and I’ve always had a soft spot for her (probably not the most appropriate expression in this case). She always looks great in a gag. I found this on human pony tumblr site, but it’s obviously originally from Ashley’s own site.

Ashley Renee as a Ponygirl* On the off-chance that readers are now picturing me a short fat nerd aghast at the thought of physical work, I feel I should point out I’m a skinny 5’10”. If you want to whip me that’s great. Just don’t expect to pull anything at the same time. I’ll hire you a truck if stuff needs moving.

Human pets (part 2)

I’d be happy with the collar and leash. The gag might be uncomfortable after a while, but I could live with that as well. And the tail and cock cage look positively fun. But those floppy ears? That’s a particularly nasty brand of sadism.

Collared boy as a dogAgain I don’t know who the artist is. It looks awfully similar in style to my previous post, but without a signature it’s hard to be sure.

Human pets (part 1)

Human pet play is a very natural fit for D/s relationships. It works so well on so many different levels. There’s the equipment for restraint and punishment – collars, leashes, whips, cages, etc. There’s the dehumanization and humiliation aspect. Animals are typically naked and at ground level, where humans are clothed and standing. So a very natural power imbalance is automatically created.  There’s the idea of training and punishing to create the desired response to basic commands. Removing someones intelligence by treating them like a ‘dumb’ animal. And there’s also a burden of caring that is created. Animal owners are supposed to look after the pets, where the pets themselves have nothing to do except be pets. So that creates all sorts of trust issues and the transference of responsibility. It’s an area packed with hot buttons for kinky role-playing.

Caged PetSadly I’ve no idea who the artist is for this. I do enjoy the proprietary way she’s staring down at him. The cuffed hands behind the back are a nice touch, as it enforces a very animal style of eating.

An unusual participant

I’ve always been a fan of Madame Loreen’s work at OWK. She manages to blend elegance and sadism to excellent effect. I’ve got an old VHS tape of her movie ‘The Revenge’ lurking around in a drawer somewhere that was a longtime favorite for its caning and whipping scenes.

However, as I’ve posted before, she occasionally features in some slightly less than conventional shots. I’m not exactly sure what the animal in the image below is, or why she has it, or what she plans to do with it. I’m guessing that it’s just a pet that the photographer happened to snap her with between scenes. But this is definitely one of the more curious femdom images I’ve come across. Maybe she’s a nihilist?

Madame Loreen at the OWKIf you’re interested in seeing more of Madame Loreen in slightly more conventional scenes, the OWK cinema site has a collection of her movies.