The eyes have it

I’m sure most people looking at this image would not immediately think of female dominance. Prior to posting, I spent a long time staring at it, trying to figure out exactly why I thought it was an appropriate image to post here. She’s not sneering at the camera. Or staring down at the viewer with a cold expression. There’s no leather gear in sight. And no whip clenched between her teeth. Yet, for some reason, it instantly appealed to me as a femdom image.

I think it’s because of her eyes. They seem to stare right into me. She has a very penetrating, knowing look. And that reminds of intense moments, deep in a session, when the mistress looks into my eyes. Those are the moments when I’m vulnerable, in pain, exposed and unable to hide. The usual protective shell we build around ourselves has been stripped away, and the mistress can look into me and know me in a way nobody else does.

A Penetrating StareI found this on the human error tumblr site.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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