The tragic destruction of the environment

It’s a sad and familiar story. A beautiful natural environment is ripped up and defoliated, resulting in the loss of the native species and an ecosystem out of balance. However, in this particular case, I’m not sure the World Wildlife Fund is going to be able to muster a great deal of public sympathy for the creatures under threat. Apparently pubic lice are on the decline, and the blame is being directed towards everyone hacking and slashing at their personal undergrowth. It turns out that when you wax or trim your pubic hair you destroy the lice’s natural habitation and push them onto the endangered species list. What a shame.

The women in the image below seems to be someone at the forefront of the fight against these pesky critters. Not only has she insisted on a very clean shave for him, she’s also beating the area just to ensure any still lurking around are killed. That’s a sign of a particularly caring mistress. He must be very grateful.

Beating his shaved balls

I found this on the Thoughts of a Dork tumblr.

That’s not how bodies work…

The image in yesterday’s post put me in mind of the Escher Girls tumblr. If you’ve never encountered this before it’s a tumblr dedicated to highlighting the ridiculous way women are often depicted in pop media. The quintessential pose for this is the boob+butt combination as shown here (magna style) and here (western style). It’s one of those things that’s so ingrained in the culture that you don’t particularly notice it until it’s pointed out. And then when you look for it, you see it everywhere. For example, there’s the weird bendy spines, the bizzare amour choices, the sexualized poses, the submissive captives and generally fucked up anatomy. Yesterday’s image has both a curved back pose and an over the shoulder look, but the anatomical contrast to the typical comic book shot is striking.

I’ll leave you with a drawing that certainly doesn’t suffer from distorted figures or oddly sexualized poses. Although that’s not to say it’s not kind of sexy.

PolyandyThis is by Keisha on deviant art (free account required). I found it on the Femdom7 site.

Not a strictly the regulation uniform

While I’m on the theme of peaked military caps, here’s a particularly beautiful image featuring one. The cap reminds me of something from the era of the first World War, although her body stocking isn’t quite of the same vintage. It’s the colors that really captured my attention. The gorgeous tone of her skin and the muted but warm notes in the costume. Plus, she appears to be using her crop as a back scratcher rather than theatrically brandishing it, which makes an interesting change.

St Merrique posing with peaked cap and crop The photograph features the model St Merrique and was taken by Tom Lane (free deviant art account needed for both links). You can see other shots from the same series in Tom’s deviant art gallery. I originally found this image on the Mostly Femdom tumblr.

Revisiting the cliché

The peaked cap is a classic look for dominants of both sexes. For female dommes it’s up there with leather corsets, boots and snarling expressions as clichéd elements of the ‘look’.

Personally I was never much of a fan. It struck me as just too stereotypical and ripe for parody. However, having done a session with a domme wearing one, I’m beginning to warm to them. It wasn’t something that I’d requested. I’m not a fetishist and I’m always happy for the dominant to choose and wear whatever she feels like. It even provoked a smile from me when I saw her with it, but in the scene it definitely added something and pushed some of my submissive buttons.

I’d always assumed that the power of the idea came from the military association. Officers wear them, and officers give the orders. There’s definitely an aspect that carries through from that. But I also wonder if there’s something more basic about the design. The horizontal line of the cap helps emphasize the line of the eyes, framing the face and pulling the attention to the wearers gaze. It also hides the softer hair and squares off the head, creating an aggressive profile. It even offers the wearer a degree of control over what they reveal, helping to shield their face is they so desire. I’d always though the military adoption had been an accident of history and BDSM had simply borrowed the psychological aura that came with them. Perhaps there’s actually something more fundamental about the design that makes it work well for both groups.

Peaked Cap on Kay Morgan

This is the model Kay Morgan in a photo shot by phoebus-photos. You can see her in a different angle from the same shoot here. I found the above shot on the S.I.N. tumblr.

The anus is unremarkable

In the comments to yesterday’s post I was reminded of the story of Reverend Gary Aldridge by Miss Margo. It’s another story of self-bondage by a man of God, although with a slightly unhappier ending. Rather than handcuffs, the pastor employed a couple of wetsuits, rubberized underwear, a leather belt and a face and head mask. He complemented this with a dildo in the anus and a hog tie plus ligature combination. Self-bondage is a risky activity at the best of times. Coupling it with autoerotic asphyxiation and a diving suit (or two) and you’re looking at the person voted most likely to be found dead in a horribly embarrassing situation.

I’m certainly not someone who’d critique the Reverend on his kink of choice. I just spent an evening wrapped in much leather with an electrified plug up the butt and a metal probe down the urethra. Freaky is fine. Just don’t do it alone. If you’d like to try some bondage and butt play, just hook up with someone like the young lady below. I’m sure she’ll be happy to fill your need. Although you might want to be prepared in case she calls you up the next day and asks if you’ve still got her wristwatch.


For anyone who doesn’t recognize it, the post title is an internet meme. Autopsy reports use that phrase and it has become an in-joke on some forums. Somebody will post a strange sex story and the response will be “Yes, but was the anus unremarkable?”

Do to yourself as you’d have others do to you

I was recently entertained by the story of a Catholic priest who locked himself in handcuffs and had to call 911 to escape them. The linked article even has the audio of the call, complete with the dispatcher asking where he was (the rectory) and did he work there (he admitted he did). The thing I found surprising wasn’t the restraint loving priest, but the slightly incredulous tone of the dispatcher. In a previous life I spent some months working with operators answering emergency calls and, like ER doctors, nothing seemed to really faze them. They’d heard it all before.

Part of me feels a little sorry for the good Father. I’m sure a lot of kinky people experimented with self-bondage when they were young. I know I did, and it was more good luck than judgement that saved me from any similarly embarrassing public situations. On the other hand the priest in question works for Bishop Thomas Paprocki. His various claims to fame include blaming the lawsuits resulting from the Catholic child abuse scandal on the devil, attacking gay marriage as discrimination against Christians and preaching that voting Democrat will send you to hell. Anyone keeping company with a fine ‘Christian’ like that doesn’t get a lot of sympathy from me.

Next time the kinky clergyman feels the urge to restrain himself from sin, he should find himself a Nun to help out. She can take care of the handcuff keys and also any flagellation that might be necessary for such a naughty priest. Perhaps the young lady below would be willing to ensure he repents properly?

Red Nun

You might be surprised to learn that this very authentically costumed ‘nun’ has not actually taken her holy vows. It’s the model Miranda Kerr, as photographed by Greg Kadel for Numéro magazine. I originally stumbled across it on the Kinky Games tumblr.

Site updates

I’ve been doing some housekeeping. Dead links have been trimmed and new links introduced. It’s always a shame to lose a link that I’ve appreciated in the past. Tumblr’s tend to the ephemeral, but seeing a well crafted blog stop or simply disappear makes me sad. Of the recent removals, Femi’s thoughts will be particularly missed.

On a more positive note, I’ve refreshed the blogroll on the right, and added two new blogs to the blog page:

On the image page I’ve added a number of new tumblr links:

Hopefully there should be a little something for everyone in that collection. I’ll leave you with an image that featured on at least two of the newly added tumblr’s (Domina Desires and Thoughts of a dork).


The original source for this image is the Brutal Facesitting site.

Something simple

There’s a beautiful simplicity and rawness to this image. It manages to capture a moment without an excess of detail. Her expression suggests both amusement and satisfaction. She’s judging the angle and force, reacting to and enjoying his response. He’s caught on that balance point between pleasure and pain. Clenching his fists as she thrusts, closing his eyes as he relaxes into the penetration.

Drawing of a couple pegging

I found it on thumper’s portfolio. I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the original artist is. If anyone can help me attribute it correctly the please leave a comment on the post. I’d appreciate it.

The root of all evil

Given the number of external links I include in my posts and across the site, I should probably post my policy on monetizing web traffic, affiliate links and advertising. I’d hate people to get the wrong impression of why I link to what I do.

The short answer is that I make no money from anything here. You’ll never see links to commercial sites that benefit me financially. If I link to pro-domme, shopping or porn sites it’s because I think they’re relevant to the post. I’d like to say this comes from a purity of purpose and some sort of blogging ethos. There is a little bit of that but, realistically, if someone offered me one million dollars to post lolcat pictures, right now you’d all be looking at a lot of felines demanding cheeseburgers.

Quite honestly it’s mostly an effort versus reward trade-off. I like the freedom of being able to write about and link to anything, rather than trying to work posts around something that might make me a few bucks. I’ve nothing against sites that do try to make money, but for me this is a labor of love, and I intend to keep it that way.

I do get a fair number of requests for advertising, and some of them are actual readers rather than marketing spam. However, I like the clean look of the site and really don’t want to spoil it with ads. So if you’ve got a porn site you’d like me to send traffic to, then simply share some of your content with me. If it’s interesting and relevant, I’ll feature it and link to you. That’ll get way more clicks than some small ad on the side.

Given the commercial theme of the post, it seems fitting to feature an image using femdom in a commercial context. This is from a shoot for Loewe clothes by Xevi Muntane featured in ponystep magazine. You can see more of the images from the shoot here. I did not get a cut from of any of them.

Loewe Leather

Kinky Kevin Bacon

Before I get sued, I should start by saying I have no idea if Kevin Bacon is kinky or not. Instead I had in mind the game named after the eponymous actor, where you try and connect actors and actresses via movies to him. What got me started on this was research for yesterday’s post.

The post itself featured The Spirit, in some artwork created by the artist Darwyn Cooke. Looking him up I discovered that he’d created a series of graphic novels based on Donald Westlake’s (aka Richard Stark) Parker series. I’m a big fan of these books. They’re classic hard boiled American fiction. Raw, exciting and blunt. The first novel, called The Hunter, has been turned into two movies. The rather excellent Point Blank with Lee Marvin and the less good but still entertaining Payback with Mel Gibson. And in that second version, Lucy Liu plays a vicious dominatrix, bringing me all the way back around to femdom again. You can see her longest scene in this clip or a compilation of her scenes here.

Admittedly that’s more a circular connection than anything, but it got me wondering, who would be the kinky equivalent of Kevin Bacon? Who would you pick as the ideal center of the kinky scene to connect everyone to? According to wikipedia Kevin Bacon is himself not the ideal person for the most optimal actor graph. The easiest person to connect changes over time as movies are made, and right now it’s Dennis Hopper, which sounds about right. You want someone who worked with a lot of stars, was around a longtime, and did a wide range of material. So who would you pick for that from the BDSM porn or kink community?

Lucy Liu in Payback
Lucy Liu in Payback
Lucy Liu in Payback
Lucy Liu in Payback