Observational bias

Jezebel has a fairly silly article on the increase in young tech workers visiting pro-dommes. Like a lot of similar articles it suffers from the problem of observational bias.

Pro-dommes are often the face of kink, as they’re easy to find and (in some cases) happy to advertise. Unfortunately they’re also expensive to visit. On the West coast that means $200 to $300 per hour, which is a lot for the average household. That means the clientele skews to the well off. And since well off men tend to be older, we end up with the cliche of the middle aged banker or lawyer who needs to blow off steam between doing million dollar deals. Now the booming tech economy in some parts of the US has landed a bunch of cash on a small number of software developers, and we get stories about them visiting pro-dommes. The key issue here isn’t kink or sexuality, it’s opportunity. I’m pretty certain if all pro-dommes universally reduced prices to $10 per hour, we’d be seeing articles on the incredibly variety of different people who visit them.

On the plus side, the article does give me an excuse to feature a photograph of one of the dommes interviewed – the lovely Mistress Morgana of San Francisco.


Hedy Lamarr

Google used one of their doodles to pay a nice tribute to the actress Hedy Lamarr this week. She combined two very unusual careers – Hollywood leading lady and inventor. There have been many attractive femme fatales in movie history, but I’m unaware of any others who held a patent on frequency hopping wireless communication. That’s an idea that forms the basis for modern WiFi and cellphone signals.

As an actress one of her more famous roles was as the biblical Delilah in the 1949 movie. I’ve always thought that Delilah’s reputation for betrayal and deceit was somewhat undeserved. The biblical verses in question say that Samson loved her, but they don’t say how she felt about the issue. It would be one thing if she betrayed the love of her life, but maybe he was just an annoying jerk who wouldn’t take no for an answer. More importantly, every time he claimed to tell her the secret of his strength, she immediately betrayed him to the Philistines in a very obvious fashion. Yet despite three separate betrayals, Samson still went on to tell her the truth about his hair. The lesson from this shouldn’t be that Delilah was deceitful. It’s that Samson was a colossal moron.


Straight City

I’ve commented before that Las Vegas is not a place I visit for kink. It always struck me as a place for mainstream thrills rather than alternative ones. What I hadn’t noticed until last weekend was just how straight it is.

I spent five days in ‘sin city’ and I saw literally hundreds of heterosexual couples holding hands while wandering down the Vegas strip. Lots of happy vacationing couples keeping close together and affirming their connection. In that same period I saw exactly zero homosexual couples holding hands. In hindsight, given the numbers involved, it seems really weird. Do very few gay people go to Vegas? Is the atmosphere that hostile to gay people? In Seattle I see same sex couples walking together every day of the week. Is Vegas such an aggressively straight touristy city that the pink dollar stays away?

CuteCoupleSadly I’ve no idea who took this shot. If anyone can help me with the attribution then please leave a comment.

Ruining is all the fun

Fans of ruined orgasms and milking play might enjoy these two tumblrs: Forced to Cum and Eternally Edged. The animated gif is almost the perfect format for presenting these kind of teasing shots, and both of them feature them heavily. I don’t want to have a huge animated image on my front page, but click through on the still below to see one particularly entertaining example. I love their gleeful looks.

GleefulLookThis is captured from a movie by Christina Qccp (the lady clapping in the back). If you want to see more from her then she has a professional website and a movie site with loads of bondage and ruined orgasms shots.

Religion and Kink

I don’t feature the topic of religion in many of my posts. It’s typically something I have no interest in. A bit like reality television or college sports. I recognize that some people get very excited about them, but I don’t really get why.

Despite this fact, I did enjoy this article by Valerie Tarico on the common themes of Christianity and kink. That’s certainly not a new comparison and many people have commented on it in the past. I just found this article to be one of the more interesting and readable takes on it.

Oddly enough (in my weirdest segue ever), it reminds me of the old joke about Ayn Rand and Orcs. To paraphrase it for this context: If forced to pick between religion and kink, then keep in mind that one’s a strange cult involving odd outfits, tortured naked bodies, unbelievable stories of perverse practices and punishment by all powerful authority figures. The other is a great way to have sex.

femdom-nun-1This image is from the Divine Bitches site. I’m not a big fan of that name, but in this case it is unusually appropriate.

Happy Halloween

Las Vegas at Halloween is less crazy than you might imagine. A friend of mine joked that you could start a tumblr called Halloween versus Las Vegas. The game would be to spot the difference between standard Las Vegas wackiness and unusual Halloween outfits. When you’re a place the specializes in nightlife and parties, there’s less room for extravagance when it comes to special events.

This image seems like a good one to finish my Halloween themed posts on. It’s from the Kinky Mistresses site. Personally I’m not a fan of hoods at the best of times. I think a pumpkin hood would be particularly traumatic.


Fright Night

Haunted houses have evolved since I was a child. I used to be frighted by plastic skeletons and huge rubber spiders. Events like the one run by kink.com at their armory headquarters now allow you to be be spooked by guys cutting their dick off and pretend prisoners wearing diapers and smearing fake shit on people.

The most extreme example I’ve read about is the one called McKamey Manor. The linked article describes it as something for masochists, but to this masochist it sounds horribly unappealing. Partly because I need a sense of connection and intimacy to go along with my pain. Partly because it doesn’t sound like the people running it have any kind of training in the extreme activities they undertake. Certainly doesn’t seem like RACK or SSC.

Sticking to the scary theme – how about this particular set-up? No ghouls or ghosts in sight, but it does give me a shiver. That thick tightly wound rope and big ring suggests that a significant load is expected to be applied. I’m not sure what load that attachment point has been tested up to, but it doesn’t quite as sturdy as a typical playspace hard point.

There’s no watermark on the image, but I’m pretty certain it’s a kink.com one.

Femdom blog page updated

As the title suggests I’ve updated the Femdom Blog Page.  This means adding a few new blogs, deleting some dead ones and shuffling some dormant ones. I’ve also tweaked the active blogroll to the right of the main page. The new blogs added are…

If anyone has suggestions for additional blogs to add then please leave a comment. Note that I typically monitor new blogs for a few months before adding them. Too many start off strong and then die after a handful of posts.

The beautiful image below is of Miss Ava Zhang, a Los Angeles pro-domme who I’ve featured previously. Her blog is worth reading, despite pronoun abuse.



While I’m on the subject of great costumes, here’s a fabulous one of Elizabeth from the game Bioshock Infinite. It’s a cosplay rather than Halloween costume, but it’s still a great example of an elegant and sexy as hell costume that doesn’t rely on plunging necklines or skimpy outfits. The creator is LilSophie, who is clearly in a different costuming league compared to the average Halloween partygoer.

I’m actually taking a few days vacation over the Halloween weekend. I’m going to be in Las Vegas, where I’m expecting to see all manner of crazy outfits. Blogging may be a bit erratic, but I’ll do my best to keep posting. I’ve no particular plans, other than leaving the Seattle rain for tall drink on a Vegas patio, so I should be able to keep things ticking over here.

ElizabethThe photograph for this was Shinkarchuk and the cosplayer was LilSophie.

Dress up games

For some kinky people any night of the week is a good one to put on a fun costume and go to a party as another character. The rest of the world tends to reserve that kind of behavior for special occasions. In the US that means Halloween. Traditionally that’s the time for occult decorations, kids stuffing themselves with candy and articles debating or decrying how sexualized costumes are these days.

With the new Star Wars movie coming out this year, I’m expecting that’ll be a popular theme. In that line, my favorite really terrible costume to date is this one for Darth Vader. Clearly literally seconds of thought went into that design. They didn’t even bother to give her a light saber. By contrast, I think the outfit in the image below is brilliant. It’s sexy, grimy, accurate and she has a kick ass sparkly storm trooper helmet. Plus, they’ve got a vacuum bed for the carbonite frozen Hans Solo. Admittedly, that’s probably hard to take to a party, but it’d work great if you were hosting.

StormTrooperI’d love to know where this is from, but reverse image searching gives me absolutely nothing. If anyone can help me attribute it, then please leave a comment.

Updated: Thanks to VirtuaFunBR I have the right link to Kink Engineering and this specific post.