The Little Things

I’ve mixed feelings about this image. While I love everything that’s going on, it makes me feel old. That’s because the thing that initially caught my eye wasn’t the sexy layered bondage. Nor was it the intense leather hood. It wasn’t even Natalie Noir’s delicate stocking clad foot. No. It was that cushion behind his head. I immediately thought “What a considerate touch! Sure that makes it more comfortable for longer periods.”

In all seriousness, for heavy bondage, it’s amazing how much it can help to have an appropriately placed cushion. Particularly for under the knees and behind the head. It might not fit the hardcore bondage fantasy, but for those of us with tight muscles and screwy backs it can make the difference between success and failure in a scene.

Sourced from this tweet on Natalie Noir’s Twitter feed. She’s a Zurich based pro-domme whose primary website can be found here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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