
I’m always slightly annoyed when I post a drawing and can’t credit the artist accurately. It somehow feels rude. So I was happy to stumble across this gallery at the femdom wiki site and discover the source for a previously unattributed image in one of my posts. It turns out to be (as I suspected) a British artist, going under the name of Rubex.

The image below is another one of his works. It reminded me a little of Rodzo in its composition, albeit in a different style and with a medical slant.

Nurse and patient by Rubex

Nurse with Syringe. Take 3

I thought my previous post showing a nurse with a particularly scary syringe would be my last word on the subject of kinky injections. But then I found this little gem of an image. The medical chair with the restraints looks fun. And the nurse is very cute. But scary doesn’t begin to describe that needle….

The Mighty NurseThe image is from the front cover of this manga. Unfortunately the rest of it doesn’t seem to live up to the cover’s promise. There’s a little bit of fun femdom (particularly pages 4 to 14), but a lot more of the stereotypical aggressive males taking it on cute young girls. Although page 2 and page 3 are worth looking at just for a WTF moment.

Nurse with Syringe

And while I’m posting pictures of nurses doing terrible and/or wonderful things, here’s another nurse with a slightly bigger needle than the last one. And judging by her expression, she looks less inclined to offer the type of anesthetic that might make everything a lot more enjoyable.

Personally, I always enjoy needle and piercing play. But it’d take a lot of trust and a lot of endorphins before anyone could stick that major piece of piping into me!

Nurse With SyringeFound on the always entertaining ‘call me Miss‘ tumblr site.

Nurse Smothering (continued)

As a companion piece to my earlier post, here’s another nurse who thinks that smothering is the best way to deal with recalcitrant patients. The debate on health care reform in the US would be far more interesting if these kind of treatment options were on the table…

Nurse Smothering PatientJudging from the ‘dear boy’ and ‘knickers’ this is a British nurse. So if I had to guess, I’d say its a UK artist from the 50’s or 60’s. But unfortunately there’s no signed name and I don’t recognize the style.