Comparative stupidity

I’ve not exactly been kind to 50 shades of Grey in the past. Posts like this one and this one have made my feelings pretty clear on the subject. I was therefore shocked to discover an article on the topic that was even dumber than the source material itself.

You’d think that the trilogy would be a God send to the anti-kink and anti-porn brigade. After all it portrays a horribly dysfunctional relationship with many BDSM themes. Taking pot shots at that should be easy, yet somehow Gail Dines in this Guardian article screws it up. She attempts to conflate Christian Grey with an Irish serial killer because – and I can hardly believe I’m typing this – they’re both played by the same actor. On that basis we should assume that Richard Nixon was a serial killer who invented corn flakes. After all, Anthony Hopkins played all three characters (Nixon, The Silence of the Lambs and The Road to Wellville). I guess I should be grateful that someone who holds views so diametrically opposed from my own is such an idiot.

I wasn’t really sure what image to feature with this post, so let’s just go with something elegant and beautiful. Feel free to assume there’s a dominant lady waving a whip just off frame if the lack of overt femdom offends you.


This image is tagged ‘William’ but I’ve failed to locate an original source for it. If you know then please fill me in via a comment.

Bits and pieces

A few different links in today’s post. No particular theme, other than what’s lurking in various browser tabs I have open.

Anyone who enjoyed the image in my post entitled ‘Hope the wind doesn’t change‘ might want to check back on it and read the comments. It turns out the gentleman featured is a reader of the site, and he gave a bit of background to the image of him and his wife. As I mentioned in my reply, that kind of interaction is one of the things I love about this blog. The web can be feel like an endless deluge of impersonal images and writing, so it’s great when I feature something I’ve randomly stumbled across and then make a connection with someone who was involved in creating it.

Sex and food is an old and famous pairing. BDSM and food is a less favored duo, but a Russian company plans to change that with these fetish lollipops. I’m not sure if they’re purely a concept or a real product, but I can’t see them catching on. I like painful food when it’s spicy, but not if it’s simply gouging my mouth out with sharp bits of oddly colored sugar.

Tom and Thumper pointed me at this article on Male Chastity. Despite the judgmental title it’s actually one of the better mainstream articles I’ve seen on the the topic. Shock horror probe as journalist actually researches a topic before writing about it. He’ll never make it to the big leagues.

Finally, it was Halloween recently, which always leads to lots of fluffy articles on celebrities in costumes. It’s a safe bet that kinky outfits will feature, and that both the wearer and the press will make a total hash of it. My favorite example of that this year was Nicole Scherzinger. She went for a submissive catwoman, which makes no sense, and was described in this article as ‘a dominatrix sex kitten slave’. I’d think that any journalist with an IQ above room temperature would figure out that a dominatrix is the opposite of a slave, but obviously the hiring standards for the Daily Star aren’t that high.

At least the catwoman theme gives me a chance to feature an image of somebody doing it properly. This is Colorful-Ayako as photographed by Troy Thomas.

Catwoman by Colorful Ayako


Chestnuts roasting on a high power hair dryer

I thought I’d seen most forms of CBT, but this is a new one to me. I’m not sure if the silver foil is designed to spread the heat, concentrate the heat or simply ensure he bastes evenly in his own juices. Either way it looks like a particularly intense form of torture. On the plus side he might end up with some stylishly coiffured pubic hair.

Roasting his chestnuts

This is originally from the OWK site. I found it on the Dominalova tumblr.

Autonomy continued

At the risk of making the blog endlessly self-referential, I’m going to continue the theme of autonomy from yesterday’s post, and respond to an interesting comment that was left. You can read the whole thing here but the essence of it was: What about 24×7 mistress/slave relationship that doesn’t use safewords? That is a loss of autonomy, but in the context of a loving trusting relationship. How can that be abuse?

I think the issue of safewords in this context is a red herring. I also don’t use safewords when I play with people I know well. I trust they’ll play safely and respond when I communicate a problem. And in the context of an daily 24×7 relationship it’d be kind of weird to safeword. They’re really a very specific safety mechanism that’s useful when doing particular types of scenes or playing with someone new.

What I think is key is that the slave always has an option to step-back and renegotiate (in the loosest and most general sense of that word). Ultimately they must always have the option to walk away. That doesn’t necessarily give the slave control of the relationship. The dominant might simply say it’s my way or the highway, and that single simple choice to consent might carry a lot of significant implications. But meaningful consent can only come from autonomy – from the ability to make an un-coerced decision. If you don’t have that then you can’t consent. And if you don’t consent then that’s an abusive relationship.

I was going to go on to say that you can never negotiate away the need for consent, but with further thought I’m not sure that’s true. I can conceive of doing it for short time periods. For example, a heavy corporal scene where a submissive agrees to be tied down and given 12 stripes of the cane with no option for escape. That seems a reasonable situation for a submissive to briefly give up his autonomy entirely. It might be painful, but it’s not dangerous, and it’s for a very limited time period. I don’t think it’s reasonable to stretch that kind of agreement for weeks or months. I’m not sure where that line is drawn, but I’m sure there is one.

Of course there is one scenario where a lack of autonomy doesn’t necessarily imply abuse, and that’s if you’re unlucky enough to be caught up in the penal system. Prisons don’t go much for negotiated scenes and safewords. I’m not sure what crime the man below committed, or what police department issued her uniform, but I’m sure justice will be served.

Prison Toilet Scene

The image is by the very talented artist Vernice61. I believe she’s saying ‘And drink it down!”

Power & Control – Agency & Autonomy

This is a post about semantics and definitions rather than hot femdom action. That might sound a touch dry, but language shapes how we think, and writing about the language and labels of kink helps me understand my own kinky nature better.

The trigger for this was a post last week entitled Inadvisable advice and a followup comment by Grumpyoldswitch. I’m not going to repeat it all in detail here (feel free to follow the links), but the crux of it revolved around autonomy, free will, power and control. What do you give up in a BDSM scene and what makes a scene exciting? I originally stated that I never gave up autonomy in scene and the commenter suggested that I did or at least pretended to. He felt that doing so, and being dehumanized in some way, was attractive and what a lot of people looked for. So what does a submissive give up in a D/s interaction?

Power and control are two obvious things that are relinquished. It could be simple, like the power to talk and move around. Or it could be more complex, like the power to make certain decisions or behave in a certain way. So does autonomy and agency go hand in hand with this? After all, if I don’t have control over my body, and I can only make narrowly constrained choices, do I really have autonomy? I would say the answer is a very firm ‘Yes’.

The definition of autonomy is the freedom to choose one’s own actions. As Wikipedia puts it – it is the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision. That means that any relationship where someone loses autonomy is automatically an abusive one. That is an important line to draw. I might only have one decision available to me – the option to shout ‘STOP’ – but with that decision all my power must come flooding back to me. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 1 hour scene in a dungeon or a 24×7 D/s relationship. The ability to step back and renegotiate is an essential one that should never be lost.

So what about pretending to lose autonomy? That’s where it gets interesting to me, as I think that’s what BDSM play is often about. Some people fetishize the activites themselves. They love bondage, or spanking, or whatever. But for a lot of others, including myself, the activities are a means to an end. They’re a way of creating a D/s dynamic. By emphasizing all the decisions I can no longer take the illusion is created of a loss of autonomy, where in fact it has just being temporarily stripped back to its bare minimum. When I’m busy being the best damn coffee table I can be, then I don’t have to worry about anything else, and it’s easy to pretend that the option to just not be a table doesn’t exist.

Coffee Table

This image has been cropped but I believe it’s originally from My Slave Life. I found it on the Consensual Spanking blog.


I’ve heard people describe their mental state after a scene in many different ways. Words like floaty, zoned, buzzed, energized, peaceful, sleepy and emotional often crop up. Personally I often think of the word gooey. That seems to capture the kind of happy mushy emotional puddle that ends up as me curled on the couch. My natural cynicism takes a well deserved rest and I end up feeling oddly soft and sentimental.

The image below bears absolutely no physical relationship to the scene I just did tonight with Lydia. That featured mummification, sensory deprivation and a lot of nipple torture. Yet it’s the kind of image that catches my eye when I’m in this aforementioned gooey state. It makes me go “Ahhh” and puts me in mind of all the fun little connections that get made during my scenes. It’s sweet, and that goes well with gooeyness.

Sweet Moment

This is originally from Whipped Ass. I found it on the Girls Rule Subs Drool tumblr.

Still Life

I’m continuing the religious theme from yesterday with a shot that should be appreciated by all CFNM fans. Believe it or not this is actually from an ad for a fitness club. I have no idea what they were thinking with this one. It doesn’t make me want to take to the gym, although it does make art classes more appealing. Even more strangely some catholic groups got upset about it. With all the appropriation of religious themes and iconography that has happened over the years, I’d have thought they’d have given up on harmless stuff like this by now.

Still Life

I found this on the CFNM Classics tumblr.

More tea vicar?

Religious imagery is not unusual in porn. Priests, nuns and martyred saints proliferate. This shouldn’t be too surprising. Given the impact religion can have on young people, combined with it’s screwed up views on sexuality and all the naked tortured bodies, I’m just amazed it’s not more prevalent than it is. Fortunately I grew up with the Church of England, which is currently one of the more low key religions. A vigorous discussion over tea and cake is as fraught as it ever gets. It’s not exactly the Spanish inquisition.

Typically when religion and porn collide there are lots of sexy nuns, buff priests and flirty catholic schoolgirls. You’d never mistake any of the characters for real religious figures. I was therefore particularly entertained by the image below. The vicar looks remarkably realistic and genuinely surprised to stumble across an attractive lady in tight red latex. He reminds me of a local vicar from my youth. Subsequent shots show him losing the collar and getting caned. I’m therefore guessing he’s not a real man of the cloth. I’m just happy he found his niche playing true to life masochistic vicars for Mistress Annabelle.

Mistress Annabelle and Vicar

Hope the wind doesn’t change

I am a master of the silly expression. I like to dream that I’m a stoic masochist, looking serious and intense through a scene, groaning only in deep manly ways at really extreme moments. In reality I know I pull all sorts of odd faces and make all manner of strange sounds. I therefore love this shot of someone reacting in a very unforced and natural way. It makes a nice change from the usual images of heavily tortured men with vaguely frowny faces.

Anne and Jim II, by Barbara Nitke

The image was shot by Barbara Nitke as part of her Illuminata series.

Super hard fucker

The mention of 50 shades in the article in yesterday’s post prompted a couple of comments taking a well deserved swipe at the infamous Grey trilogy. I’m fully on board with the hate, as I’ve blogged in the past. However, I do think the point made in the article – that it got more people talking about BDSM – is a valid one. I’m not sure that outweighs the harm created by its messed up treatment of sex/consent/relationships/BDSM/etc., but it’s something that can’t be discounted. Hell, even my parents asked me about it, which was a disconcerting conversation on many different levels.

I’ve always enjoyed this parody of it, but for a really brutal takedown you have to turn to Cliff at The Pervocracy. She’s pulling it apart chapter by chapter in a series of cuttingly funny and insightful posts. You can read her progress to date in Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You just have to love an analysis that includes this description of someone who doesn’t make love but instead ‘fucks hard’…

…to me, it sounds like the kind of shit a guy says to cover the fact that he barely knows which end of you has the vagina parts. “Oh yeah, baby, I’m such a super hard fucker. I’m totally going to put my dick in your clitoris and then I’m going to fuck through your cervix into your uterus. It’s the hottest. All of the hundreds of women I’ve fucked have loved it. I fuck so hard.”
Let’s Read Fifty Shades of Grey: Chapter 6!

My only fear is that Cliff will get so depressed by the whole experience that she’ll not finish the series. That would be a great shame.

In honor of super hard fuckers everywhere, I thought I’d share this image. Judging by the grip she has on the hood and her expression, somebody is enjoying a hard fuck up the prostate and through the colon. It’s the hottest.

Hard Fucking

The image is originally from the Femdom Sessions site. I found it on the Domina Lova tumblr.