Happy Feet

I’ve an open question to any dommes out there reading this: Do you enjoy having your feet licked, sucked and kissed? It’s pretty clear a lot of foot fetish guys enjoy doing this, but I’m never sure about it from the women’s perspective. I get foot massage as pleasant thing to receive (provided it’s done properly), but how about the traditional ‘worship’ that pops up in so much femdom porn? It doesn’t do much for me personally, but I’m curious how other people, particularly dommes see it.

From a purely submissive perspective it seems to be very much a male thing. Foot/shoe kissing as a sign of subservience and humility pops up in other varieties of kinky porn, as does things like boot blacking, but I can’t ever remember seeing shots of male or female doms having foot worship sessions with female subs.

HappyFeetI’m not sure exactly what the gentleman here is doing with his mouth, but he at least seems to be raising a smile. Tongue tickling her toes perhaps?

Tough and tender

I like this image for the subtle blend of dynamics it has. The hands to the face and throat are tender, but carry a hint of a threat. The semi-naked bodies are sensual, yet the heels trapping his wrists suggest bondage and danger. It’s a moment that could melt into sex or twist into violence. Just the kind of edge I enjoy flirting with.

ToughTenderAt first glance I though it would be pretty easy to get the right attribution for this image. There’s a watermark that looks like a web address stamped right onto it. unfortunately that turns out to be a tumblr rather than the original artist. A plague on the houses of all tumblr owners who do this. Re-posting someone else’s work doesn’t give you the right to stick your stupid address across it. So once again, if anyone can help me attribute it, please leave a comment.

What a dummy

Somebody really needs to start sponsoring pro-domme sessions for editors of gossip and celebrity web sites. I’m not sure they really understand the concept of domination or femdom, but perhaps it’d be possible to beat it into them.

The latest idiocy I’ve seen in this vein was triggered by this Interview Magazine photo spread with Kylie Jenner (photographed by Steven Klein). In it she appears to be pretending to be some sort of mannequin or blank posed doll. They are admittedly fetish shots, but she captures no element of a dominatrix in any of them. Carrying a serving tray with a glass of wine and wearing ass-less pants is not a very domme thing to do. Yet every damn gossip/fashion/news site (for example here, here and here) describes her as going for a full on dominatrix look. Most of them even lead with the picture of her being picked up and carried by a man, right under the word dominatrix.

To be fair the original article doesn’t use that expression. It’s just every idiot who links to it does. Somebody needs to inform these people that a domme is about power, control and domination. Not slipping on a tight latex outfit and doing what you’re told.

Kylie Jenner for Interview Magazine
For my featured image I’ve picked the one shot that almost works as a femdom shot, if you don’t see it in the context of the other images in the shoot.

Decisions, decisions

She looks like someone who, when faced with many good choices, can’t quite decide what to do first. He might not know exactly what’s coming next but, judging by his smile, he’s looking forward to whatever it is. As multiple choice scenarios go, this certainly isn’t a bad one to be facing.

I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist for this is. If you can help me attribute it correctly then please leave a comment.

Wistful Desire

After yesterday’s depressing post, here’s something a little more positive. It features an image that gives me odd sensations in the stomach region. The sort of flip flop sensation I’d get when I was a young boy and saw a girl I secretly liked on the playground. In those days I’d have punched her on the arm and then ran away. Now I write blog posts. I guess that’s progress of a sort.

Much like then, I can’t explain why this affects me the way it does. Maybe it’s her poise and elegance. Maybe it’s the overall pose. Maybe it’s the look on his face. Whatever it is, it works. It’s not an image that provokes a lustful response in me, so much as a mix of longing and wistful desire.

I believe this is from a TV show called Verliebt in Berlin, which is a comedy-drama. The episode in question is a wedding special, so presumably this is a proposal. Probably if I watched the show itself I might have had a very different reaction to this image, but shorn of the original context I like it a lot.

Being informed

I don’t feature Stoya very often on this blog, despite having a minor crush on her. She has a shining intelligence (clearly visible in her blog and tumblr), coupled with elegant and classically beautiful looks. Unfortunately, from the perspective of this blog at least, most of her films are either straight sex or skewed more towards a M/f dynamic. Hence, I rarely have an opportunity to post about her. Given the circumstances of this particular post, I really wish that could have continued to be the case.

She’s just published via her twitter account that her ex-boyfriend and occasional co-star James Deen had previously raped her. Given it’s just a couple of tweets there’s obviously limited detail, but she accuses him of physically assaulting her and ignoring her safeword. I’ve read negative comments about his attitude and approach to consent from other actresses in the past, but never anything quite as clear and unambiguous as this.

The reason I bring it up here is because I think it’s beholden to anyone who looks at pornography to be informed about how it’s made and who is involved. Some anti-porn people will claim that it can never be safely used, as you never know the circumstances in which it is made. That is, quite frankly, bullshit. I’ve no way of knowing about the person who made my shoes or stitched my shirt. Most things in life, from food through to electronics, come to us with very little background information. Occasionally there’s a scandal that makes the headlines, but most of us are blind to the source of 99% of what we consume.

Pornography, in contrast, is relatively easy to track. Actors and directors write blogs, post tweets, visit conventions and hold interviews. Some people visit sets and some companies conduct tours. That’s not to say all porn is made ethically and transparently. Like all part of life there are bad people doing bad things. But from a consumer point of view, it’s one of the easier industries to educate yourself about.

James Deen has made a lot of kinky porn over recent year, and has been featured regularly on the kink.com family of sites. Personally I’ll be avoiding any purchase that would potentially contribute to his bank account from now on. I can’t tell anyone else out there if they should follow suit. But at least if you’ve read this post you’ll be able to make a slightly more informed decision.

StoyaGiven the context of the post I didn’t want to feature a particularly sexually explicit image. This is Stoya modelling as Neil Gaiman’s Death character from the Sandman series.

Odd moment

It’s always weird when my vanilla world and kinky world intersect in some unexpected way. I’m used to my BDSM themed Google Alerts popping up strange kinky news stories. I’m not so used to them firing up stories about my childhood football team (Aston Villa), as happened in this article today. There’s nothing particularly new about comparing masochism and BDSM to being a sports fan, particular when it is for a perennially losing team. It was just strange to see a kinky alert pop up for my paltego alter-ego on a topic I associate with the school playgrounds of my childhood.

British football doesn’t appear to attract a lot of femdom imagery, so I’m going to have to fallback on the American version for today’s picture. Anything that involves attractive cheerleaders and ball kicking is inevitably going to lead to a certain type of kinky imagery. In this case it is Ashley Fires taking the free kick (or the punt).


Happy Thanksgiving

In America it’s the Thanksgiving holiday this week. As a British person in the States it feels like two random days off for no reasons whatsoever, given the holiday has zero emotional connection for me. Not that I’m going to complain about two free days off work. I can slack off with the best of them. I also think that one particular British person came up with the best quote about the holiday in today’s political climate, along with one of the best arguments on risk I’ve seen in a while.

For an image I’m going to steal from another British gentleman. In this case it’s the twitter feed of Sardax who featured this image a couple of years ago. I hope all my American readers have a fabulous turkey day. For everyone else, take comfort in the fact that Thursday is awfully close to Friday, which means the weekend is just around the corner.

PilgrimIf you like this image then please consider subscribing to Sardax’s main site.

Pony puzzle

This is my last post on the pony boy theme. It’s also an image that slightly puzzles me. At a casual glance the style of the artwork looks like Shiniez. However, the lettering style and crude writing doesn’t seem like him. He also doesn’t tend to feature F/m dynamics. Every attribution I’ve seen for this image on random tumblrs claims that it’s his, yet I couldn’t locate it on his deviant art site. So either it’s someone copying his style, or an image of his that has been modified, or I’m mistaken and it’s really his work. If anyone can solve my puzzle, then feel free to leave a comment and help me out.


Pony Ride

A pony ride on a sandy beach used to be a traditional part of the British summer holiday for children. I don’t think the ponies ever looked anything like this however, The beaches probably weren’t as nice either.

If you hunt around for images of femdom and ponyboys you’ll find a lot of silly posed shots. This vintage shot is particularly bad, but representative of the type. The image below was one of the few I found that looked like she was genuinely going for a ride rather than simply posing for the camera. I also have to admire her ponies dedication. That full face hood must be incredibly hot.

BeachPonyI’m afraid I haven’t a reference for the creator of this image. Please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.