Cosmo article shocker

Mocking sex articles from Cosmopolitan magazine is no great challenge, although it can be amusing. They have a reputation for coming up with some ridiculous advice. For example, I give you toilet paper bondage.

When I saw an article from them entitled ‘I took my boyfriend to a dominatrix‘ I therefore didn’t have particularly high hopes, but it’s actually not terrible. Admittedly it’s a very short, fluffy throw-away piece. Yet there’s no jaw dropping idiocy in it or horrible factual errors. They were also smart enough to pick a talented and well known domme in the form of Mistress Wynter. I can almost imagine a couple reading the article and being encouraged to try a visit themselves.

I’ve always thought that more people should treat sex workers as an educational resource, particularly when it comes to BDSM. After all very few people would take up a sport or hobby that required specialized skills and used a variety of potentially dangerous equipment and then expect to make it up as they went along. Particularly if said dangerous equipment was in the vicinity of their naked genitals. In that situation smart people either join a local club or hire a professional instructor. BDSM obviously offers the club option, but not everyone wants to mix a social scene into their sexual play. In that case a pro-domme is an excellent alternative for learning new techniques.

Mistress WynterAbove image is of Mistress Wynter with a hooded slave as photographed by Anthelian. She’s a NYC based pro-domme and if you’re interested in utilizing her educational skills her contact info is here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Cosmo article shocker”

  1. I was pleasantly surprised as well! The session was fairly exploratory and relaxed, all constraints due to the purpose of the visit considered. Still, I was concerned about how the experience would *actually* read when the article was published. I was pleased that it came across without being sordid. Domination can be, but it isn’t always, scandalous. Sometimes it’s all about the learning and the fun.
    Thanks for posting!

    1. Glad to hear that the session and the write up lined up like that. I can definitely imagine your concern before publication, as there’s a lot of scope for something silly or sordid if the journalist has a mind for it. I’m typically shocked by the gap between news articles and events that I have first hand knowledge of. Nice that this took a positive approach.

      Thanks for stopping by to comment and give us your take on the article Mistress Wynter!


  2. Hi Paltego:

    Sorry I missed this post. I read the article and thought it was not bad. It was short but devoid of BS and sensationalism which I found refreshing.

    I love the concept of a woman taking her boyfriend to see a prodomme. IMHO it hints that the younger generation is developing a more open and accepting attitude towards BDSM than our generation had.

    Cosmo couldn’t have picked a better domme than Mistress Wynter to write a piece about. She is warm, open, down to earth and highly experienced. Too bad the interview was not more in depth because Mistress Wynter could write a book about the New York scene. If she ever did I would love to read it.

    1. Hey hmp,

      I think there’s a definite trend to being more open to exploration around BDSM. Probably due to the massive explosion of information on the internet. I suspect that couples seeing a pro-domme is going to remain a niche, but it would be great to hear of more doing it.

      I’ve sadly never played with Mistress Wynter, but I’ve heard many good things about her. Glad to hear you affirm them. I was very happy she stopped by to comment and give her take on the article. Sure she’d have many great stories to tell!


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