80’s Flashback

Coming across this image sent me flashing back down memory lane. For most of my US readers this won’t mean much, but the ZX Spectrum (along with the Commodore 64) was a pretty huge part of my childhood. I don’t remember this particular magazine issue, but I do remember a lot of similar editions that were equally enticing, featuring many large breasted warrior queens. Whoever crafted this one (and I’m willing to bet significant money it was a man) clearly had a good appreciation for dominant women.

It’s funny to look back at these old games. This page has the original Crash review of the game featured in this cover, with actual screenshots. As a child I was never bothered by the promise of the artwork and the sharply diverging reality of the game itself. I’m not sure I even saw a difference. In my mind it all looked equally exciting. Now I look back and think “Wow, my parent were right. Those games were just a bunch of blobs and squiggles.”

Femdom scene from Crash magazine

Pseuds Kinky Corner

The satirical British magazine Private Eye runs a regular column called Pseuds Corner, containing reader submitted quotes of journalists being particularly pretentious or pompous. It’s normally dominated by art critics, who typically suffer from the biggest gap between their perception of the world (and themselves) and how the rest of us experience it. I couldn’t help thinking that this recent review of a modern dance piece in the Guardian would make a good submission to the column.

In Diaghilev on the Beach, former Boston Ballet dancer Joseph Mercier presents a reworking of Nijinsky’s Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, set to Debussy’s score. Mercier locates the piece at a balmy poolside, where two cocktail-sipping, harem-panted Nefertitis (Sarah Cattrall and Natalie Clarke) indulge their slave (Mercier), who is costumed in golden briefs and a jewelled dog collar. As Clarke languidly oils her breasts, Cattrall leads Mercier around, occasionally permitting him to lick her feet, and alternately stroking and slapping him. Nijinsky’s 1912 work ends with the faun shuddering in orgasm over a scarf stolen from a nymph, and a century later Mercier references the critical reaction (“filthy and bestial”, according to Le Figaro) by having Cattrall lubricate a butt plug attached to a jewelled animal tail, and insert it in her slave’s proffered rectum. It’s a startling moment, and even among the too-cool-for-school Chisenhale crowd occasions a quiet intake of breath. But the piece works. It perfectly reproduces the timeless languor of the original, it matches it in provocation, and in Mercier’s assumption of the most abject characteristics of the Faun and the Golden Slave from Schéhérazade (another Diaghilev sex-ballet), pitches reverberant questions about the dominant-submissive relationship of performer and audience.

I’m normally all for exploring questions about dominant-submissive relationships. And some languid breast oiling combined with a little foot worship, slapping and anal play sounds like a pretty good way to spend a Tuesday night. I may even add it to my ‘ideas for sessions’ list. But the idea of sitting in an audience and watching a modern dance interpretation of it? That sounds like the bad kind of humiliation and psychological torture.

Dog boy with mistress in gardenAdmittedly this image is more a garden scene than a  balmy poolside, but there is a collar, leash and tail butt plug involved. It’s an image I like for the stillness and thoughtfulness of it. They’re not heavily involved or interacting. Just sitting for a private moment with their thoughts.

I’ve seen work by this artist before, but I can’t recall his or her name. As usual, I’m sure one of my highly knowledgeable readers will know the answer, so please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.

Housekeeping Issues

I spotted these two images on the Slaves of the Goddess tumblr site. They were in separate posts but they look like images taken from the same sequence from the under-feet.com site.

The first one struck me as kind of cute. She’s elegantly attired and is presumably returning after a day or night out with friends or possibly lovers. He’s eagerly awaiting her return at the door, knees getting sore on the hard floor and his jaw beginning to ache from holding the crop. There’s a nice owner/attentive pet vibe that comes off the image.

The second one, presumably taken a few minutes later, is not quite so cute. I’m assuming something in his housekeeping routine didn’t quite make the grade. I have heard that the old approach of ‘rub their nose in it’ isn’t a effective training technique for dogs. I’m guessing that’s a snippet of information that may have passed her by.

Naked slave greeting mistress at the doorNaked slave has head pushed into toilet bowl by mistress

Naked man on aisle 3

Ms Justine Cross made me laugh with her recent post on a public humiliation request she’d received from (as she put it) #anotherfuckingidiot.

Sometimes I get a request for public humiliation, which I think is awesome, and I ask, “What does this mean to you?” Then I get a detailed description of being naked, led around with a collar and being made to eat dog food in the grocery store. And then I ask, “What fucking world do YOU live in and can we session there?”

Of course people have tried this kind of thing in the past, as this French couple can testify, but it rarely seems to work out well. Personally I can get horribly embarrassed in almost any situation, up to and including being embarrassed on behalf of fictional sitcom characters I’m watching on television. So any kind of public humiliation is out of my comfort zone, across my panic zone and well into my ‘curl up and die’ zone (I have a lot of zones).

'Femdom Manner' from Old Man Equine's femdom worldImage is from this gallery from Old Man Equine’s femdom world.


After the fairly explicit CBT in the last post, here’s something a little more abstract. It’s a pen and ink wash drawing, for which I sadly can’t identify the author. I love the composed tension in the drawing, the angles and balance between the two bodies, their limbs and the leash. It’s also amazing how much emotion is conveyed in the two faces with just a few expressive lines.