Eva’s Peasants

My subby fantasies were tickled by this news story on Eva Green. Apparently she had a falling out with the producers of a project she was working on and told them exactly what she thought. This included insults such as ‘peasants’, ‘arseholes’ and ‘fucking morons’. I’ve no idea if these barbs were justified or not, but I do have to agree with the article writer when he says…

She’s haughty and imperious. She knows exactly where she stands in the world, and she would rather die than hang around with the likes of us. Her contempt is tangible and, really, isn’t that exactly what we want in a movie star?

His conclusion is that we’d all like to aspire to this level of free expression. That might be true for the majority, but some of us would rather be on the receiving end of Ms Green’s acid tongue. Haughty and imperious are sexy attributes whatever someone’s profession. It also struck me that if she ever puts her face to a perfume then ‘Tangible Contempt’ would be an excellent name for it.

This is a shot of Eva from ‘A Dame To Die For‘, the follow-up to Sin City.

Author: paltego

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5 thoughts on “Eva’s Peasants”

  1. I laughed out loud at this:

    “Honestly, the only thing better than Eva Green’s texts would be learning that she dictates them to a quivering assistant from a velvet chaise longue, because she simply cannot summon the effort to manually type them out herself. Because that would be true star behaviour.”


    As you were, peasant.


    1. Yes. That made me smile. I feel their should be champagne and a bunch of grapes somewhere near the velvet chaise as well. Obviously kept refreshed by the peasant class 🙂


  2. Let’s face it, whilst it is a wonderful attitude for a Mistress during a session, it would be a horrible experience to work with someone haughty etc however attractive they may be. It is never a good idea to confuse fantasy with reality and I suspect that if this is true Ms Green is a total nightmare.

    1. And in a crowded profession,I imagine that whoever puts the cast of a film together ,will in future give Ms Green a body swerve.
      She sounds like she would be good in the film version of the song “ Ernie” who drove the fastest milk cart in the West.
      He met with the “ widow who lived all alone at number 42
      She was haughty proud and chic
      But Ernie got his cocoa there
      Three times every week”

    2. I agree bad bosses are terrible in the real world outside of fun fantasies. But I think in this case it’s a little hard to tell whose at fault. It’s not a boss/client relationship. If they were producing and funding the project, they’d presumably contracted her. It’s not like she was addressing her assistant or stylist in this way. Hard to tell from this kind of media reporting exactly what went on.


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