Measuring Progress in Arms and Inches

I love the fact that, despite hanging around kinky websites and social media for decades, I can still discover new things. For example this week, via this twitter thread, I discovered that arm band tattoos are used to indicate interest/progress in fisting. That was news to me.

While it’s definitely not my kink, I did like the comment that Goddess Faustine added to the discussion. She has a mugwort tattoo on her bicep and uses it to measure fisting progress…

So the stalk of the plant is oriented lengthwise along My bicep, and the leaves ascend the stalk from My elbow to shoulder, the further toward My shoulder and away from My elbow the better they’re doing depth progression wise. A lot of fistees enjoy recording progression

I personally don’t think I’ll ever want to explore fisting. I have an irrational fear of things splitting or tearing. However, if I did venture down that path, this sounds like a very beautiful and elegant way to track it.

This lovely selfie of Goddess Faustine is from her twitter feed. She’s a SF based pro-domme and for anyone interested in some mugwort anal action, you can find her session application info here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Measuring Progress in Arms and Inches”

  1. So, how does this work? If a new level is reached, is a leaf or branch added, or a leaf is filled with color at the depth achieved? It is nice that Goddess Faustine acknowledges the significance in relation to her artwork.

    And one further question, because I really do not know. Does it ever happen where the entire plant disappears? In other words, full arm inserted? Just knowing the anatomy of a person, that would land the fist in the throat area. How is that possible?

    Thanks for an interesting and though provoking post.

    1. I think in Goddess Faustine’s its more a case of using the existing tattoo as a kind of marker. e.g. That time we got as far as the third leaf. From the images and how I read it, I don’t think she’s modifying it for different people.

      I’m really the wrong person to ask about fisting. I’m always astonished at what people can fit into their ass. I’m a totally lightweight in that respect. I have heard of people getting shoulder deep. Indeed in that twitter thread Mistress Baton says she’s been in that situation. I’ve no idea how that is physical possible. It seems incredible to me, but the human body is an amazing thing! 🙂


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