Beware the phantom toe sucker

Women shopping for shoes in Walmart should watch out. If a gentleman claims to be a podiatry student or a producer of America’s funniest home videos then it’s possible he’s not being entirely truthful. If he starts sucking your toes, he’s almost certainly not who he claims to be.

Scott Adams once wrote that he assumed all shoe salesmen are secret foot fetishists, because they’d obviously agree to do the job for less money than a non-fetishist. Presumably the two geniuses in the above articles couldn’t pass the interview for that job, and had to resort to more underhand methods.

Foot worship

I’m afraid I don’t know who photographed this happy lady and her foot admirer. I’m personally not particularly into feet, but I do like her smile. I found it on the Alternative Femdom tumblr.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

11 thoughts on “Beware the phantom toe sucker”

    1. Yes, I think you’re right. Particularly because both you and Liijak left a similar comment at a similar time pointing at Mistress Ella Kross. :). Thanks for taking the time to comment and for the pointer.


  1. As a student I once had a very helpful male sales assistant while shopping for lingerie. He was ever so eager to exchange sizes and made suggestions of what I might like. Best service ever, when I went to pay and was ready to leave the shop, he asked if I would like to go for a coffee. I was puzzled and said “Don’t you have to work?” His reply did baffle me a bit “I don’t work here…”

    I was quite young and innocent then and just bolted because it was weird, but in a lot of shoe shops you notice guys hanging around “unattended” and being helpful. I’m a bit less young and innocent now 😉

    1. I’m not sure whether to admire his initiative or be appalled at his deceitful behavior! At least he didn’t try and suck on a body part. I’ve not noticed the shoe shop phenomena, but I’m guessing that I’m not exactly the ideal target for such ‘helpful’ people. 🙂


      1. I shamelessly utilize the guys hanging out in the shoe department now. If you catch their eye, you just ask them to check if they could find you a similar type shoe and they happily scurry off to do so.
        In LA (love the outlet stores there) I decided to send one for coffee. They’re getting their thrills by staring at my feet, they might as well do something for me, and since in the outlet stores the shoes are often in disarray and the staff is often sparse, hunting down the other shoe can be a lot of work, they’re getting a bit of free D/s and I get a relaxing shopping experience. Everybody wins.
        Thank heavens I didn’t confess this on MF, because you could bet that I would be tarred and feathered for making a guy spent a dollar on a cup of coffee for me. Surely that must be considered exploitation… Mind you I had my inline skates with me and noticed later that socks I kept in the skates were gone. Considering that it was a hot day and I had skated about 5 miles to the shop, I guess the guy got his coffee’s worth.

        1. I’m not up on the going rate for intimate items of female clothing. Not really my kink (although sweaty skin is another matter 🙂 ). But I’m guessing a pair of socks with guaranteed provenance and still damp, is worth way more than any coffee, no matter how many shots of espresso were in there!


          1. I was a bit more worried that I might be liable in case he’d faint, several miles of sweating, they weren’t damp, they were dripping and luckily I had a spare pair in the backpack to avoid being rubbed sore by wet dogs 😉

    1. That’s a funny mistake to make, because dogs are actually slang for feet. If someone talks about their ‘barking dogs’ it means their feet are hurting them. So your original comment actually made some sort of sense to me before I say the correction :).


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