Discovered Femdom

My post from a few days ago, featuring an image that wasn’t actually femdom in the original context, got me thinking about similar images. I mentally categorize this type of material as ‘discovered’ femdom, in the sense that it’s discovered by the viewer rather than (necessarily) intended by the original artist. I’ve posted these kind of images in the past, for example here, here and here. They’re images that will appeal in different ways to different people. Not all submissives may get the same dominant vibe from them that I do. And non-submissives may like them for entirely different reasons.

While it’s hard to put into words exactly what makes one image work and another not, I have noticed two common components. One is very direct eye contact. Another is a composition that places the camera at a slightly lower vantage point than normal. That these two components work so well shouldn’t be surprising to me. I also find it very appealing when a mistress leans over and makes eye contact while torturing me. That pushes me very quickly into a submissive space. Clearly there’s something pretty fundamental about those components, so fundamental in fact that they even work when present in non-obvious femdom contexts.

I wonder if it’s something to do with childhood. That was a time when I literally looked up to every female authority figure. And adults always tends to engage very directly and stare straight at children when talking to them, something that doesn’t typically happen between two adults. I had a very normal and relatively liberal childhood. It seems pretty disgusting and discomforting to think back to the relationship between my mother (or my aunt or my nursery teacher or whoever) and the infant paltego and connect that to my kinky sexuality now. I’ve certainly no desire to do age related role-play. But the deep seated appeal of the stare from above has to come from somewhere and that seems to be as good a place as any.

Just as a random aside,  I wonder if the growth in gay marriage and same sex households with adopted kids will make research in this area easier? Looking at the differences in the percentages of men attracted to female dominance from m+m, f+m and f+f parents would be interesting. Of course controlling for others factors is highly non-trivial.

This image is a particularly clever example of one making effective use of both components. Using the mirror it manages to create eye contact, a upwards POV type shot and a great view of her beautiful behind. Not sure what it does for anyone else out there, but it sure works for me.

Eye contact with mistress in mirror

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

10 thoughts on “Discovered Femdom”

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    1. Glad you enjoy my blog. Thanks.

      I looked at the link you gave last time, and I’ve looked again at it now. I don’t think the content and images you feature are a good match for what I want to feature here. It looks like a fun blog, but not one that would fit in with my other blogroll entries. Sorry.


  2. Hi Paltego:

    Love the photo. The eye contact, her outfit and the upward tilt of the camera as if we are kneeling beneath her lend the photo it’s femdom perspective. It certainly does a lot for me! 🙂

    1. Hi hmp,

      It’s a really well composed shot. I think the model is Jhenny Andrade, and I believe it’s part of a normal glamour/fashion shoot, but I haven’t tracked down the original context for it. Glad it worked for you! Certainly has a very strong femdom vibe for me as well.


  3. I think one of the key factors to this image is the mirror stare. I find narcissistic dommes to be very sexy, and a mirror stare implies she’s giving you a bit of attention as she gazes at herself.

    1. That’s an interesting viewpoint. The idea of a narcissistic domme doesn’t really do much for me, so I’d never really considered that. But logically I can see why this would work especially well given that preference.

      As I said in my reply to hmp, I think it’s just a glamour/fashion shot, so all these little aspects that we like really are discovered by the viewer than intended by the photographer. Although the line between fetish/kink and fashion shots these days can get pretty blurry, and they’re not mutually exclusive sets.


      1. By the way, thanks for the great blog!

        So many Femdom blogs are disappointing, especially when they are clearly fake in one way or another, usually the result of a frustrated sub living out his sock puppet fantasy life online.

        Yours is one of the good ones.

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