Vintage Whipping

A final post to finish my trio of vintage images. This comes courtesy of this tweet by Pitt Prickel. It’s apparently a scene from the early 1930’s. For me it has the feel of an artists studio – as though it might be models posing for a picture or a sculpture. There’s a real sense of physicality and solidity to the scene. Almost like a statue from the classical era of Greece or Rome.

Author: paltego

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5 thoughts on “Vintage Whipping”

      1. it was your comment about posing for an art academy that triggered my thought – a neo classical story like Phyllis and Aristotle would be an easy way to “hide” a kinky picture (which imho is the actual reason why that stroy has relatively many depictions)

        1. I’m with you on the reason for the popularity of that story with artists. I’ve seen it attributed to a fear or anxiety about powerful women, but it seems more likely to me that it’d be due to being aroused or excited by powerful women, and needing an acceptable intellectual cover story for focusing on it.

          Thanks for sharing the thought. Definitely a possible scenario for this picture!


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