Play Safe

Here is a cautionary tale from Germany of a man who overdid his corporal scene just a smidgen. After being tightly bound to a wooden spanking bench and beaten on the buttocks and thighs, his kidneys stopped working. Luckily for him they sparked back into life after 3 days, although he was still kept in hospital for another 5 days beyond that. The article describes the scene as a 1000 spanks, but it actually featured a cane and a whip, which are significantly more severe than a spanking.

Of course there’s always risk involved in almost any scene. But if you’ve seen your urine turn dark red after play, as this man apparently had during similar past scenes, maybe its time to dial it down a notch or three.

This is obviously by Red Rump. Sadly, after creating some great femdom spanking artwork, his blog has been dormant for the last few years.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Play Safe”

  1. I once got alarmed the evening after a session when my urine turned pink and I had a bad moment for a while until I recalled that my lovely domme had forced me to eat three whole beetroot in session. I hate beetroot (still more so after that experience), so I wasn’t familiar with that particular effect.

    True story, if not a particularly exciting one.

    1. I’ve heard of asparagus causing certain session issues (although working the other way around), but that’s a new one to me! Definitely should remember to put ‘no beetroot’ on my list of hard limits. I can imagine that would have been a bit of a shock.


      1. If your hard limit list expands to the level of putting ‘no beetroot’ on it, you just might have more than a little difficulty finding a Domme who’ll see you.


        1. I suspect the most likely outcome would be a long conversation on why I’d listed it and exactly how many dommes had tried to force feed my beets anyway :-).


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