A dangerous game (and woof!)

This image contains many staples of femdom erotica. There’s bondage, breathplay, a naked man and a lady in stockings. The text is a little more poetic than the usual captions, but it’s hard to argue with the spirit of it given the noose around his neck. But what’s with the dog? Which artist thought that the perfect addition to an edgy bondage and breathplay scenario was a cute and fuzzy little dog? I kind of feel the image is part of a larger sequence that would explain what’s going on, but I’m afraid I’ve failed to track down any other context for this.


Author: paltego

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9 thoughts on “A dangerous game (and woof!)”

  1. The art style resembles the indie comics artist Charles Burns, but I doubt this is the sort of thing he’d draw. I could be wrong though as he does reference sexuality in his work, but usually as subtext rather than overtly.

    1. Your right the style does had some suggestion of Charles Burns, but I don’t think it’s him. As you say, it doesn’t fit with his typical material. Although now I’m intrigued to go and browse some more of his work 🙂

      I think the suggestion of Roberto Baldazzini is the most likely bet, but I can’t track down a definitive reference there either.

      Thanks for the comment.


  2. No, this is definitely Roberto Baldazzini. Excellent artist, Specialises in girls with cocks. Creates some quite far out fantasies.

    1. It does look very much like his work. Particularly the Chiara Rosenberg series. But it’s weird I can’t find anything from him that would fit with this. It looks like part of a series rather than a one off image, yet there’s nothing I can find from him that looks like it would lead into this image or follow from it. He also doesn’t do a lot of heavy femdom stuff. I’ll have to keep digging around and see if I can find more. Thanks a lot for the tip.


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