Do It Yourself

I’m always fascinated by the pornographic imagery people create for themselves. I don’t mean the kind involving naked volunteers and cameras, although that can be fun. I mean images that people modify via tools like photoshop to make them better reflect their fantasies.

This isn’t because the end results are particularly impressive. Most of the time it’s exactly the opposite and the manipulation is quite crude. What I like is what they say about peoples fantasies. They speak to the strength of their desires and the very specific fantasies that exist. Despite the vast amount of erotic imagery out there, people still feel the need to create fairly obviously manipulated images that push their internal hot buttons. They can look past the visual glitches and still get off on them. I think they’re great examples of both the creative urge, and the breadth and depth of our sexual desires.

The image below is one of the better examples of the genre. It looked a little off to me from the moment I spotted it, but I still liked the idea and clever way it had been composed. Particularly neat is the hairbrush on the chair. If you look at the original the hairbrush is a new addition.

Manipulated spanking shot

I originally found this on the Because You Are Mine tumblr.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

3 thoughts on “Do It Yourself”

  1. Heh. Since I’m usually Tumbl-browsing on my phone, I rarely see the details which would tip me off. I’ve seen this pic over the last week or so, and hadn’t suspected.

    I do agree with you, though, that some of the shops are only working in somebody else’s mind.

    1. It’s certainly one of the better ones. While something seemed kind of off to me, I didn’t suspect quite how much it had been modified until I found the original. I think the closer something is to what we want to believe, the more accepting we are of it. This looks fun and playful so is easier to accept. The more extreme modifications instantly focus our attentions on all the things that are wrong with them.


  2. >The more extreme modifications instantly focus our attentions on all the things that are wrong with them.

    Sort of an “uncanny valley” for porn, then?

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