The Temptation of the Taboo

The title of this Aero article isn’t great: Why You May Not Be as Kinky As You Think. I’m pretty certain that after several decades of exploring my kinky nooks and crannies, I’m exactly as kinky as I think. However, it does contain a few interesting snippets on the appeal of the taboo. The author researched the correlation between sexual fantasies and political affiliations…

I found that Democrats reported more fantasies featuring BDSM, including forced sex, than did Republicans, for whom power play is not quite so taboo.

Compared to Democrats, Republicans tend to face stronger moral prohibitions against things like non-monogamy and same-sex attraction, which means that fantasising about sex with more than one partner or having gay sex would be taboo. Guess what I found when I looked at Republicans’ sexual fantasies? Compared to Democrats, Republicans reported more fantasies about all kinds of non-monogamy, including infidelity, swinging, orgies and cuckolding…

That shouldn’t be too surprising for anyone who keeps an eye out for political scandals. You can be sure when a politician starts banging on about sexual matters they’re either cynically using it to distract from some other heinous shit they’re trying to pull or they’re heavily projecting their own desires and insecurities onto others. Often it’s both scenarios at once.

On the topic of taboo, here’s a particularly strong one that I’m always drawn to.

This is of course from Yapoo Market (specifically this tweet). It looks like an illustration either inspired by or the inspiration for this scene.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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