Dominatrix Without Mercy

I’m continuing both the vintage and Jamie Gillis themes with this post. As I’ve written before, this movie popularized the title ‘Dominatrix’, despite being a really terrible movie. It was basically a regular 70’s porno with some weird sex acts thrown in.

What I admire in hindsight is the marketing of this kind of material. As a teenager it used to drive my crazy. I’d discover what I thought would be some hot kinky material, and it’d turn out to be 30 seconds worth of kink in 90 minutes of nonsense. Now, with more kinky material on the internet than I can shake a whip at, I can admire the chutzpah of the 60’s and 70’s porno salesmen. They repeatedly managed to sell the sizzle without the sausage being anywhere in sight.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

3 thoughts on “Dominatrix Without Mercy”

  1. What I admire in hindsight is the marketing of this kind of material. As a teenager it used to drive my crazy. I’d discover what I thought would be some hot kinky material, and it’d turn out to be 30 seconds worth of kink in 90 minutes of nonsense.

    Sadly, this was my experience as an adult, but maybe I’m a few years older than you. Infrequent trips to the video store left me more and more disappointed each time. Eventually I stopped bothering.

    1. There was probably a brief window in my early 20’s where I went through that, but then the internet came along and saved me :-).

      Books were always the worst – it took way longer to discover the racy cover and blurb was a lie than in the case of a video or magazine!


      1. Online erotica, while mainly written by amateurs, can be skimmed quickly and discarded (or clicked past) if it’s too lame. 🙂

        Maybe I just lived in too small of a town to really find the good stuff in any video store.

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