You Will Respect my Authority

I couldn’t do a sequence of bullying themed posts without featuring something from Servitor. While I sort of enjoy bullying in the abstract, he seems like someone who definitely enjoys it in the actuality. His site features a fair number of bullies, with these two ‘schoolgirls’ (from this post) being an excellent example.

The odd thing about school bullying fantasies is that – in my experience – there was very little cross gender bullying. I’ve seen a lot of dommes post about how they bullied guys as teenagers, but I think that must reflect a tiny fraction of the actual bullying that goes on. The cute girls were sadly too busy being mean to each other to pick on me.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

11 thoughts on “You Will Respect my Authority”

  1. Goodness, a special feature – how (inappropriately) flattering!

    You’re absolutely right, I do enjoy it in the actuality. I thought your illustration from the ‘Bully’ game was very lovely, and I briefly considered buying the game but I suspect I would find it disappointing (I bought Dungeon Keeper 2 just for the Mistress character and did quite enjoy filling my entire dungeon with leather-clad d*minatrix Mistresses in torture chambers, but then lost interest).

    Quite a few of the captioned images on my site are on the schoolgirl bully theme, usually (as in the one you feature) schoolgirls bullying a teacher. Implicitly, the viewpoint is that of a young nervous socially-awkward male teacher, just out of training, trying to exert his authority over the alpha schoolgirls in his class.

    That picture’s not my favourite, though. This might be, if only for the expression of the young lady with the yellow-handled hockey stick: I can only hope the conversation about her behaviour goes well.

    Annoyingly I have never quite managed to ask a domme explicitly to act these fantasies out, as asking a superior lady to dress up as a schoolgirl just seems wrong, although the ‘vibe’ of the scenes I play out is often similar. And I’ve had my head flushed in a toilet more often than I care to remember.

    And it’s not just me! The main source of the photos I use for this theme is the (publicly available sub-set of photos from) St Mackenzies (, which features a lot of mainly schoolgirl to-schoolgirl bullying (often quite quickly involving getting kit off, at which point to my mind it loses the plot). However, the now defunct Class 5B was almost entirely devoted to the theme of schoolgirls humiliating much older men (presumptively teachers) and just occasionally other girls. No web site any more but pics and videos can be found – Or of course there’s St Trinian’s, the origin of which in Searles’ experiences as a prisoner of war are rather bleak but, hey, who cares, because Talulah Riley was in the recent moves in a gym slip. And she got to marry a billionaire, twice, as a result.

    All are British – call me an out-of-touch, degenerate and lecherous old pervert if you must (if you are female I might even pay you for it) but I do prefer a gymslip and stockings to the little tartan skirts that US-oriented schoolgirl f*mdom seems to feature.

    Oh – and there’s even a mainstream movie featuring precisely this kink:

    So there you go. I’m practically normal. How embarrassing.

    Best wishes


    1. Incidentally, the asterisks in the comment above were added on the second attempt after it rejected the first (I have learned always to keep a copy when commenting on your site). And it worked! Good to see we can feature links and discussion of adult women dressed as schoolgirls acting out scenes of degradation and humiliation, often with a threat of reporting their ‘teacher’ for molestation… and that’s all fine as long as we slightly disguise the rude words.

      1. I’m choosing to see my sites random and bizarre attitude to comments as a kind of intelligence test. If you’re not willing to really wrestle with it and figure out how to dodge the comment demons, how committed to commenting are you really?

        The alternative to that is me having to again dig deep into my web server configuration, and frankly that’s the kind of suffering I don’t enjoy. If there’s anything that’ll stop me blogging, it’s not running out of ideas or getting bored, it’s dealing with the technical bullshit of keeping it all running.


    2. I had a similar response to Dungeon Keeper. It was fun to recruit the Mistresses but I quickly lost interest after getting to that point. Seemed like a game that had a great starting concept, but then they couldn’t make it work, so turned it into a regular RTS. Which was kind of dull.

      I spent a happy hour or so hunting through your bully posts before picking this particularly one. Although oddly I didn’t find the the image of the lady with the yellow hockey stick. That is a great shot and I love your caption to go with it. She has a lot of eye makeup and a really good stare. Nice touch of the Ronald Searle’s with the caption.

      Definitely with you on the tendency of sites to start with a great kinky theme, and then devolve into random smut. I mean really. Who wants to see attractive ladies taking their clothes off? You’d have to be weird to be into that. I think I even wrote about it a while back

      I’m kind of amazed you’ve never explicitly requested the school girl bullying theme. I can’t imagine many (any?) dommes getting upset about it. Most dommes I know love a chance to try out a fun outfit and be horribly mean to nervous men :-).

      Hope you’re doing well and staying safe!


  2. call me an out-of-touch, degenerate and lecherous old pervert if you must

    I have this h*rrified awe of servit*r and his capti*ns. I consider him like a m*dern day Hier*nymus B*sch in his ability to turn n*rmal, daily life int* s*me twisted, perverted scenes of psych*sexual d*mination.

    But d*n’t tell him that I said s*.

  3. Hahaha! I’ve had my chance at being a Head Girl with a stingy rattan cane and loved it! I personally enjoyed a scence as a Spanish teacher and poor pronunciation was immediately punished especially if you can’t roll your r’s i.e. carro, barro.

    1. I’m never into punishment scenes, but if I was then a language and pronunciation lesson would be a particularly painful one!

      Thanks for stopping by to share

  4. IRL, no joke, i was bullied by a girl, in second grade.

    (And, no, that’s not why i’m a sub, today.
    Submissive is my orientation/gender-identity, i’ve always been this.
    I’m not submissive because i’m damaged, i’ve been damaged for being male & submissive. )

    1. I’m definitely with you that it starts from something innate, which then picks up on things from the world around. Sorry about the 2nd grade experience – it can be hot in fantasy but rarely so IRL I find.

      Thanks for stopping by to comment!

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