Chasing Cars

I was musing yesterday on the contradictions in how I play and find pleasure. After I wrote the post it struck me that what initially seemed strange is actually pretty normal when it comes to kink. A lot of it is inherently contradictory.

Take chastity play for example. The internet’s caption industry would have you believe that there are countless women out there who live for locking dicks away. In reality I’m sure that the vast majority of instigators for chastity play are men. They’re so desperate to orgasm while being simultaneously desperate to be told they can’t orgasm. Denial is a hell of a drug.

Bondage is often a similar story. It’s all very briar patch. Most scenes involve a dynamic of “Oh please don’t tie me up and do terribly painful things to me! Oh no! I simply can’t get away…. hold on … that lower rope is pinching. Can you … OK … that’s better. Now where was I … Oh! That hurts so much…”

Kinksters are like dogs chasing cars. The end goal doesn’t make much sense and we probably wouldn’t enjoy it much if we ever got there. It’s the thrill of the chase, the joy of the moment and the idea of the unobtainable goal that we live for.

This particular doggy clearly chased one too many cars, and is now being caged for his own safety. Sadly I think the site that originally created this image has ceased to exist.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

16 thoughts on “Chasing Cars”

  1. Yes, I sometimes think that the line “You can tie me up and then you can anything you want,” is as likely to be responded to with, “Great, I’m off for a long soak in the bath with a good book….”

  2. ” In reality I’m sure that the vast majority of instigators for chastity play are men. They’re so desperate to orgasm while being simultaneously desperate to be told they can’t orgasm. Denial is a hell of a drug.”

    Chastity and related caption writers are a bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first ones against the wall when the revolution comes.

    You may or may not remember that I had a Tumblr blog that poked fun at the “internet caption industry” and the various tropes used in those captioned pictures, but unfortunately last month, Tumblr shut down my entire account, deleting *all* of my blogs. Apparently, some of my posts linked to my bdsmlr account, which was deemed “an unsafe link”.

    I’m thinking about bringing it back, but right now I’ve got some other projects going on.

    1. I do remember that tumblr. Often made me smile.

      Tumblr seems even more weirdly screwed up than it ever was. I discovery a whole bunch of porn blogs still actively posting on it recently, but it seems totally random what gets taken down or blocked. I’m amazed anyone still does anything there, given how haphazard and badly run it is. Quite astonishing how much value can be destroyed without anyone seeming to care.


      1. When Tumblr killed my account, I was a bit peeved that I had no warning, nor any way to remedy what they didn’t like. I worked hard (well, for some value of hard) to keep Mrs Edge Says a SFW chastity caption blog: I removed anything to which Tumblr seemed to deem objectionable, like nipple shots, or wet tee shirts showing nipples, or panty shots, or anything like that. The captions were relatively clean (again, for some value of clean, considering the subject matter). But apparently the objection was that I inserted a link to both the tumblr and the bdsmlr sites in the comments.

        I had all of my own original captions saved on my phone’s SD card, so I’m slowly rebuilding it on WordPress. Yes, WP also prefers to have SFW blogs, but I don’t have any concerns that they’ll take the entire thing down over a stray nip-slip.

        So, the chastity caption industry is still safe, for the nonce.

        The Tiresome Tropes blog was fun, but obviously not SFW. I didn’t save any of those, but then, it’s certainly not difficult to find more of that kind of content.

    1. Ah, I was wondering what happened to ‘Tiresome Tropes’, Tom. What a shame – definitely one of my favourites (I am probably unusual as a prolific captioneer in that, I suppose).

      Paltego’s comments section has been known to reject comments for naughtiness, slightly unfortunately given the subject matter of the blog.

      My own Tumblr continues, but it has no original content – just cross-posts stuff from my Blogspot blog. Still: I try to keep it clean – by which I mean no shocking nakedness, particularly if that involves aparent same-sex activities between ladies. References to castration and torture are fine, of course, as are illustrations of men licking out toilets. As long as they’re clothed and it’s all done tastefully. It’s strangely ‘Victorian’.

      Right: I’m off to the wall, to await the revolution (but where IS everybody, these days? It’s like a scene from a plague movie…)

      1. Servitor – Apologies for this not showing up immediately. For some reason it went to spam, which is super weird, given I’ve approved comments from you in the past. I only found it because I was hunting to see if any of Tom’s lost comments had been sent there. Stupid wordpress. Drives me insane. This going to spam seems to be a different issue to what happened to Tom’s comments.

        Hope you’re staying well and avoiding the plague. Maybe you can find a nice lady to lock you away in isolation somewhere for your own safety?


        1. Thanks Paltego

          Not a problem. Maybe your WordPress algorithms are better at judging my comments than you are.

          I am well enough, thank you, although I think I’d rather get the thing and get it over with.

          Self-isolation is nothing like as much fun as having someone else do it for you, it’s true. I’m tempted to write a long paragraph about how the first few days are fun, but then it starts to become frustrating and after two weeks you’re desperate for release from confinement but it’s the prospect of months longer with no end in sight that’s the real downer…. and then I’d wittily flip it, so you realise I’m talking about chastity, not coronavirus. Or possibly the other way around. But I just can’t be arsed.

          On the plus side, while working from home, I find I have much more time to devote to looking at porn on the Internet, so that’s something.

          Hope you’re well and not experiencing any more than the (to my mind, frankly gruesome) levels of pain you seem to enjoy seeking out.


      2. Considering how many Tumblr blogs still continue to have very graphic posts (albeit hidden from searching, etc), I could probably start another “tiresome tropes” blog in my spare time. I had considered redoing it on bdsmlr (and I think I saved some of the old posts in an export file from last year), but frankly, I’m not a huge fan of bdsmlr. The problem with all the Tumblr refugees is that *all* of them seem to be posting graphic and explicit pictures and gifs; it’s just too much, at least for me.

        Tiresome-tropes was “hidden” after Tumblr marked all those blogs as “explicit” in the purge of Dec 2018. It would only show up in your feed if you had already subscribed to it, but a lot of the posts themselves were hidden. Also, it used to get reported/suspended a lot, mainly from people who wrote ridiculous or error-filled captions.

        User: “Hey, take this down! Nobody cares if there’s a little typo in a caption!”
        Me: Okay, I’ll not link back to you so you won’t be embarrassed by the comments.

        User: “Hey, you’re stealing my posts.”
        Me: No, I clearly left your watermark, identifying it as yours.
        User: “I’m reporting you for stealing posts.”
        Tumblr: You’re suspended for stealing posts. And we’re removing the ones that you stole.
        Me: I think I’ll go complain on paltego’s or servitor’s blogs.

        1. I agree about BD*Mlr. As any regular ‘readers’ of my blog will know, I tend to prefer to use images without much explicit sexual content. After all, many such readers are presumably locked in chastity, by heartless and sadistic ladies thinking of little but their own comfort (while nonetheless devoting their days to devising ever more fiendish humiliations and punishments that don’t go too far), so it’s probably best for them not to get over-excited. Plus, I’m not allowed to look at pictures of naked ladies, so I’d have to post with my eyes shut and that can get you into all sorts of trouble.

          In the early days of my blog, I used to get these weird comments from a troll threatening me with… something or other. I was nevr quite sure, but he was insistent about it. He seemed to think I was either breaching copyright or possibly asserting it, or maybe both, and used to fondly describe the penalties under law he (oh yes: he was a ‘he’) was going to bring down on this total stranger he’d never met. People are very strange, which is mostly a good thing, but sometimes isn’t.

          Annoying that Tumblr listened to your own trolls, though, Tom. Anyone would imagine they don’t want humorous f*md*m parody blogs on their platform. Where do they think the market growth is going to come from?

          Tumblr is my main source of pictures that I ruin with ridiculous (but generally not error-filled) captions. While I’m wittering on, I’ll just mention that when I am out in the vanilla world pretending to be a responsible adult human, I quite often work for Verizon (which foolishly bought Tumblr) as a consultant. I was asked recently in a meeting whether I was familiar with it. “Err… no, no not very. Seen it, obviously. Photo-sharing site of some sort, yeah?”


    2. Grrrrr. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll have to do some experiments. There are some stupid rules buried deep in wordpress that occasionally get re-animated after I’ve killed them. Annoyingly it happens infrequently enough that I forget how to fix it each time, so have to go through the same learning process every time.


      1. Well that shouldn’t be a problem then. There’s zero chance anyone leaving a comment will want to use that word. Sigh. I guess it’s time to dig into the bowels of wordpress again.


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