Information Leakage

Combing a perverted lifestyle with electronic devices and an extended family visit can have its problems. You never know when some random notification or lurking browser window is going to appear on screen at an unfortunate moment. It’s particularly tricky when you’re used to living alone and browsing random filth whenever you feel like it. Several times I’ve found myself absent-mindedly firing up twitter while hanging out with elderly family members, which isn’t good when 90% of your twitter feed is kink.

My closest call so far was a scenario that never cross my mind as being dangerous – linking my phone to the hire car I have. I was taking my Mom somewhere and we wanted to call someone. So I paired my phone over bluetooth and impatiently pressed yes, yes, yes to all the prompts. One of which was related to importing contacts. I then start scrolling the list to find the family member we want to call. Unfortunately my contacts are full of women’s names that my Mom has never heard me mention. Many of them beginning with things like Mistress, Domina or Madame. All this is coming up on the big touch screen in the center of the car. It was lucky we were stationary at the time, otherwise I might have crashed into the nearest hedge. I muttered something about internet email spam and killed it quickly, but I’ve no idea if she missed the details or decided she’d much rather not know them.

This is Mistress Mara Mayhem, one of the dommes in my contacts. The good news is that she’s listed simply by name, with no D/s title. The bad news is that it’s the kind of unique name liable to attract attention and curiosity if it’s ever spotted. Hopefully my Mom didn’t catch it or think to Google it.

Mistress Mara is based in Chicago and if you’d like to session with her there, her professional site is here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “Information Leakage”

  1. Haha-amusing situation.
    Mums being mums, they know everything about their little soldiers and simply don’t mention things that might embarrass. It’s unusual they DON’T notice anything lol!

    1. That’s a disturbing thought! Although I guess I’ll take discreet silence over the kind of awkward conversation that would make me want to crawl into a hole and die 🙂


  2. Paltego, check out …..
    The Art of Invisibility
    By Kevin Mitnick
    You can buy it at Amazon/Kindle.
    He mentions just the problem you encountered, and has lots more sage advice on ‘cyber hygiene’

  3. Because I have a job and a family life, I’ve split up my vanilla and my edge-of-vanilla lives online. I have 2 different Google accounts (gmail, photos, etc.), and instead of trusting to private mode, I use 2 different browsers on my phone and on my laptop and work PC (I’m the boss and do my own IT support, so I can get away with the this).

    I use Chrome or Firefox for normal browsing, and I use Opera for my alternate life. Since Opera is available in a mobile version, that’s what I use on my phone, so I don’t get confused. Also, I try to use the mobile browser version of Twitter, email, etc., so the contacts in the apps don’t show up.

    Also, I only allow my vanilla ID to sync with anything.

    So far it has worked okay, but I’ll admit to have having slips in the past.

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