Pool Boy

This is a great concept that’s been horribly executed. Why is he wearing a chastity cage that’ll just offer him protection? And why is she playing pool in high heels, a silly outfit and sporting an enormous strap-on? Does that help with the aiming? And why are the balls still in the rack?

This’d be a great shot with a dark smoky room, a properly set-up table and two female pool hustlers sporting sharp suits. If they’d just thought of Paul Newman and Minnesota Fats for inspiration, rather than porn + pool, it would have been so much better.

poolThis is obviously from the Divine Bitches site.

Author: paltego

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2 thoughts on “Pool Boy”

  1. You’ll enjoy this, then, I expect:

    I particularly like the unorthodox approach they take to the game in the first two photos, cueing up on balls other than the cue ball. The blonde lady’s bridging action is quite fine, too, although she’s not actually bridging over anything.

    An intriguing start, then, but after that I lost interest because they seem to have decided to abandon the game, and instead tie a guy to the pool table and… well, the clue’s in the title, isn’t it?

    1. That’s one of the stranger sequences I’ve seen. Not sure that table is regulation size, or has the proper clearance around it either.

      Whenever I read porn performers being interviewed they always bring up the uncomfortable and unsuitable places they always seems to end up having to have sex in. I think this counts as a perfect example.


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