Cosmo recommends

This Cosmos article entitled 7 Kinds of Porn You Don’t Watch — But Might Love is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a pointer to porn that women might enjoy but hadn’t considered trying. The good news is that both femdom and pegging are on the list. The bad news is that it doesn’t really given any suggestions how to experience them. The only link is to the site, and I don’t think that’s a great starting point. You have to pay to play and it has a lot of intense scenes, neither of which are good if you’re a tiny bit curious but not convinced.

That got me thinking – what actually what would be a good recommendation in this case? Are there sites that portray femdom in a positive light, that aren’t awash in porn cliches and won’t scare a newbie off? It’s a tricky question. I can think of some tumblrs I’d recommend, but tumblrs tend to come and go and are often hard to find. If you’re curious about spanking then I think Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking hits the spot. It shows a positive side to kink and manages to be professional without being porn-y. Outside of that, I’m kind of stuck. Any other suggestions from readers?

This image is from the Tickleberry site, which actually would be a fairly good one to point newcomers at. It’s not porn, but it has got a bunch of articles explaining a lot of basic stuff like pegging, chastity, domination, etc. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it has been updated in the last year or so.


Author: paltego

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4 thoughts on “Cosmo recommends”

  1. Not certain this is a lot better, but might be helpful: which houses several article and information about female led relationships.

    This one: has links to several different blogs ranging from the mundane to the mundane and has a companion site: dealing primarily with male chastity although I’ve enjoyed and found helpful the blog posting titled “When Someone You Love Is Kinky.”

    1. Thanks for the links. Definitely helpful for curious couples interested in exploring the area, but they have the same problem the link I posted does – not really porn. Still searching for something that fits that.


  2. Thanks for the shout-out.

    She-held and Keyheld were both set up for the newbs who wanted resources that weren’t going to be full of the more, err, adventurous things likely to freak out the people who were just beginning to explore.

    A long time ago, Mrs Edge and I tried to find some not-stupidly-overacted female dominant porn, but were very disappointed in what was out there. I haven’t looked at anything in a while.

    And your comments still keep kicking me out for the most mundane expressions.

  3. There are links to/reviews of a few books and semi-mainstream films on my site, that would appeal to a more novice audience – as well as anyone more experienced who wants an alternative to traditional grinding porn.
    Not quite what you are looking for, but a gentle introduction.

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