Oddly popular femdom topics

I often do image searches on particular femdom themes, and I’m frequently surprised what topics turn out to be popular. Last month for example, I was looking for some witch themed femdom, and failing to find much of interest. I’d have thought those two were a natural fit. I also recently spent some time looking for axe or sword themed femdom shots and couldn’t come up with anything good. Yet tonight, I searched for ‘tea femdom’ and found all sorts of shots based on dommes drinking tea. Who’d have thought it’d be easier to find a shot of a domme demanding a good cup of tea rather than a sexy dominant sorceress? Maybe porn is more true to life than we normally think?

TeaThis artwork is of course be the very talented Sardax.

Author: paltego

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4 thoughts on “Oddly popular femdom topics”

  1. Is it really that surprising? Given the elaborate ceremony and culture that surrounds tea drinking – especially in the U.K – it would seem to be a fertile ground for D/S fantasies.

    It’s also worth noting that swords or martial instruments imply a degree of gender-bending (women in the masculine, warrior position) that I suspect many people cannot, unfortunately, quite wrap their heads around. I think that many peoples’ minds more readily see a domme in a classically feminine, domestic setting, than they do in a role that they might consider to be default masculine.

    1. I’m probably revealing my working class roots, but when I think of UK tea I think of a steaming mug with milk and two sugars in a cafe! But yes, there are definite ceremonial aspects to it, particularly in British and many Asian cultures. There’s a good fit there for service submission. I’m just surprised to see it as something depicted so frequently.

      Warriors are traditionally masculine, but I’d like to think that kink is often about subverting or transposing traditions, and the warrior queen is not an uncommon figure. Although clearly a little more uncommon than I suspected! It’s also possible that in femdom porn (which is typically what I’m searching) it’s a relatively rare thing (given it’s hard to do a safe scene with an axe), but it’s more common in fantasy literature and art (which probably doesn’t use keywords like femdom).


  2. My three best friends in college were all dominant women. Sometime around the end of our sophomore year I began to fantasize about being a nude servant for them at a tea party. This was well before I’d ever heard of CFnm or Suzie Bright’s naked slaveboy tea party. The whole serving tea thing just seemed to come out of the blue. The fantasy never became a reality. I was 20 and too ashamed to even mention it at the time. I did have CFnm experiences with other women later on.

    1. I’m intrigued – how did you know they were dominant women? Were the actually out as sexually dominant, or were they just very strong forceful people? Sounds like a pretty good college crowd to hang out with either way!


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