Worst domme ever

After yesterday’s terrible boss post, today we have this story of a terrible domme. What started as some kinky bondage fun turned into a less fun game of hide from the crazy stalker lady. Bad breakups and nutty ex’s are always a bad scene. I imagine it gets a hell of a lot worse when they have photographs of you cross-dressing, tied to up and surrounded by sex toys. Particularly when they send them to your friends, family and work colleagues.

It’s not an amusing story, despite the tabloid attempts to stick in puns about restraining orders. However, I had to smile and marvel at the ladies logic. Apparently, after indulging in all manner of kinky play with him, she then felt it was her ‘civic responsibility’ to expose his ‘sexual deviance’ and that she was ‘trying to protect the world from this man’. That clearly makes sense. She might have vandalized his car, bombarded him with texts, outed him to his family, tried to get him fired and chased him across the country, but he’s clearly the dangerous one.

thecrueltouch-paperbackThis vintage femdom book cover seemed an appropriate illustration, given the title and tag line on it. The great artwork is by Paul Rader.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Worst domme ever”

  1. What an awful person (the woman)!

    Stories like this make my blood boil. Besides the fact that they’re PAYING for a PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, clients give us so much trust, both with their innermost sexual vulnerabilities and their professional reputations/marriages, that it is obscene to abuse. Personally, I think it’s even worse than a doctor or shrink abusing their authority, because of the humiliation factor.

    I’m also (perhaps oddly) disappointed that a woman would do this, when women are so routinely victimized when Exes and jerky guys leak their nudes online. There’s just no excuse!

    What a jerk! Worst domme ever, indeed!

    1. I can only assume she has some sort of mental illness. That kind of weird stalking behavior is way beyond being an angry asshole and into strange and scary.

      As you say, it’s typically women who are victims of harassment. This is definitely unusual. In one of my follow-up posts on bad submissives I even commented that it was sadly a lot easier to find examples of male submissives behaving badly than dommes.

      Hope you’re well.


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