More tea vicar?

Religious imagery is not unusual in porn. Priests, nuns and martyred saints proliferate. This shouldn’t be too surprising. Given the impact religion can have on young people, combined with it’s screwed up views on sexuality and all the naked tortured bodies, I’m just amazed it’s not more prevalent than it is. Fortunately I grew up with the Church of England, which is currently one of the more low key religions. A vigorous discussion over tea and cake is as fraught as it ever gets. It’s not exactly the Spanish inquisition.

Typically when religion and porn collide there are lots of sexy nuns, buff priests and flirty catholic schoolgirls. You’d never mistake any of the characters for real religious figures. I was therefore particularly entertained by the image below. The vicar looks remarkably realistic and genuinely surprised to stumble across an attractive lady in tight red latex. He reminds me of a local vicar from my youth. Subsequent shots show him losing the collar and getting caned. I’m therefore guessing he’s not a real man of the cloth. I’m just happy he found his niche playing true to life masochistic vicars for Mistress Annabelle.

Mistress Annabelle and Vicar

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

7 thoughts on “More tea vicar?”

  1. Hi Paltego:

    I actually stumbled on this clip in my wanderings. There is something extremely hot about a man of the cloth being forced to submit to a beautiful domina. With the guilt that surrounds sex in the Christian religion I can only imagine how much he enjoys his exquisite suffering. He gets to experience the sin and the penance simultaneously; a bit like having his cake and eating it too.

    And thanks for the reference to Python’s Spanish Inquisition! “Anything but the fluffy pillows and the comfy chair! Nobody expects the….”

    1. Hey hmp,

      I have to say the religious angle doesn’t do much for me on a hotness level. Personally I get this kind of scene on an intellectual level and understand why others like it, but it doesn’t push buttons for me. However, I do enjoy it when they play with the religious trappings, or twist the imagery, or make me smile with the characters used (like this one did)!

      Thought you might enjoy the MP reference. Know that’s always a favorite 🙂


  2. paltego,

    I had sixteen (yes, 16) years of Catholic eduation – no, I wasn’t held back four times – 12 of which were spent in uniforms! Either the pleated navy blue or plaid skirts. No, I’m not kidding either.

    No wonder I’m a kinkster.


    1. Hi Suzanne,

      I was watching an old BBC series called Inspector Morse last night. There was a scene featuring a traditional English girls school and the main character commented – “Look at those skirts. Somebody sat down, drew a fantasy, and then made it mandatory uniform”. That made me think of you 🙂 That’s a lot of years to be spent in a uniform.


  3. It is also amusing to note, that by the purple colour of his shirt, this is not merely a vicar, but a Bishop! Perhaps the most kinky rise higher in the ranks 😀

    1. I actually didn’t realize there was a color coding thing going on here, so thanks for filling me in! Possibly the vicars have to be content with a whack from a wooden spoon from the church warden, while the Bishops can afford to indulge in the full fetish experience 🙂


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