Whizzer on the beach

I couldn’t do a sequence of beach themed posts without featuring some Whizzer Black artwork. That’s not because he typically features beaches in his artwork. The image below is pretty much the only one I know themed that way. Instead it’s because his artwork always reminds me of saucy British postcards from the seaside. There’s a nice sense of fun and absurdity to go along with the sexual suggestion. The latter is always a lot more explicit in Whizzer’s artwork than the kind of thing Brits in the 1930’s were sending from their holidays, but the mix of sex and humor is common. In this image I particularly like the little dog he’s added pulling at the hapless Whizzer’s swimming trunks.

Whizzer Black on the beach

Author: paltego

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6 thoughts on “Whizzer on the beach”

  1. Ah, those saucy postcards. Some of them are now worth thousands.

    I have happy memories of Blackpool Pleasure Beach and an awesome ride on the big dipper (roller coaster).

    The postcard shown on the Wiki link is probably incomprehensible to most of your US readers.

    The lady approaches a racecourse bookie. These don’t esist in the US where there is a Pari-Mutuel monopoly and bookies are illegal.

    She says that her husband has given her a pound to ‘do it both ways’. The joke means nothing unless you understand that an ‘each way’ bet in the UK is a bet to win and place.

    Some of these cards have a slightly disturbing F/m feel to them. Like the one of a big, busty, lusty woman standing on one side of the bed and her wimpy husband standing on the other, both skimpily clad.

    He says to her, “Can I ever be worthy of you darling. YOU have so much to offer while I have so little.”

    To which, staring in the direction of his minuscule penis she replies, “Blimey, you can say that again.”

    1. I went to Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the 90’s and had a very enjoyable day out. I always enjoy fun fair rides, and at that time Blackpool was an interesting blend of the old (like the Grand National coaster from 1935) and the new (like the Big One from 1994).

      And yes, you’re right, there is often a slightly odd F/m feel to the saucy postcards. I think it’s probably because humor often comes about via adversity or conflict, and women are traditionally seen (in the associated culture) as the gatekeepers to sex. So lots of the humor plays off guys reaching out of their league, or being cuckolded or being blindsided by their lechery. Plus I suspect it’s easier to get away with risque content in a F/m scenario because that’s seen as ‘unreal’, given the culture of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and pretty much everything after. A scene with a man dominating a women strikes a little too close to home to be funny.


    1. Sadly no. It was an entirely kink free vacation, which I think must be a first for me in recent years. Lots of hanging out with vanilla friends and only some very late night kinky blogging 🙂


  2. Whizzer Black did some amazing FD related artwork. Unfortunately he seems to have disappeared several years ago. Does anyone know what happened to him, and whether he has any plans to return?

    1. I’m unaware of what happened to him. I saw him posting on a few forums sites a few years back but, as you say, he appears to have ceased creating new work. Or at least, ceased publishing it. I’d love to see anything new from him.


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