The Dark Knight Confuses

I finally got around to watching the The Dark Knight Rises last week. On the plus side, Anne Hathaway made a fantastic catwoman. The character was well crafted and she was very stylish in the role. On the minus side, the plot of the movie made almost no sense. It was fun to watch, with some great set pieces, but logic clearly took a holiday when it came to writing the script. Bond villains are notorious for giving James a chance to escape and foil their plot rather than simply shooting him in the head. Bane spending 5 months hanging out in Gotham while Bruce goes through a training montage takes that approach to a whole new level of ridiculousness.

Anyway, after yesterdays long post, a little visual loveliness seemed in order. So here’s the delightful Ms Hathaway as catwoman, as found on the Badkitty Kat tumblr.

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

Author: paltego

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7 thoughts on “The Dark Knight Confuses”

  1. I’ve never read the comics, but I thought Bane wanted Batman to suffer in the prison for eternity – not expecting he could ever get out. And yes, Anne was awesome in that role – and so absolutely hot. She really did a great job in honoring the character, and still making it her own.

    1. It wasn’t so much throwing Batman in the prison that bugged me (although leaving someone behind with a cellphone to watch Bruce would have been smart). It was the taking 5 months in Gotham to do ….. what? Making Bruce watch while he blew it up in a few days would have made sense, but instead they just seemed to hang out and let crazy people do show trials. The rest of the world was cut out, the normal people in Gotham hid, and the scarecrow killed a few bankers. What was the logic? Normally I find Nolan’s movies a little long and bloated, but this one seemed to have a big chunk missing that would have explained what and why they had to hold the city hostage for 5 months. Not to mention the final plan involved Bane and all his associates being killed in the explosion! There was just no sense to it. If the bomb took 5 months to go critical that would have at given a reason, but they stated they had a remote detonator that could blow it at any time. Plus, it seemed ridiculous that the police could simultaneously be trapped for that long but still fed and provisioned to stay healthy.

      But yes, Anne was fantastic. I thought she’d be a little too lean and delicate for the role, but she really made it work.


  2. “On the minus side, the plot of the movie made almost no sense. ”

    FINALLY! Someone else declares that the emperor has no clothes!

    The new batman movies are totally overrated. I know that compared to “Batman and Robin,” ANYTHING would look like The freakin’ Seventh Seal, but let’s be honest. Heath Ledger stole the show in the last one, and TDKR is confused and morally objectionable. The only sympathetic working man is the butler, Alfred–truly a capitalist overlord’s wet dream of a prole: tireless, helpful, selfless, no wife or kids, obsessed with his boss’s well-being and personal happiness. Think about that.

    I think that the raspy “Batman” voice sounds idiotic, too.

    Anne is okay, but I like Michelle Pheiffer (sp?) best–her latex catsuit w corset was stunning! Yeah, it was a silly movie…but Batman is a silly premise anyway.

    Love your bloG!

    1. I kind of liked the first one of the reboots (Batman Begins), just because the plot was relatively taut and logical (as far as a superhero movie can be). The second one was far too long. The scenes with Heath Ledger were brilliant, as you suggest, and Michael Caine had some great lines as Alfred, but everything else sagged.

      I wanted to get annoyed by the politics of this one, as seemed to veer in an objectionable direction, but quite honestly it was so confusing I actually found it hard to engage with it at that level. It didn’t make sense to me either from a plot perspective or as a moral viewpoint.

      And I’m going to have to disagree on the Anne/Michelle comparison :). Michelle was undoubtedly hot in that latex catsuit, but the character development and the script just ruined it for me. Anne at least had some credibility as a lithe cat burglar, where Michelle’s morph from mousy secretary to whip wielding catwoman was just weird. The original Tim Burton Batman was silly but well done. The sequel was just horrible IMO. And it only got worse from there…


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