Sex, sadism and satire

I used to read The Onion regularly, but in the last couple of years it somehow dropped off my radar. Then a few days ago somebody forwarded me a link, and an hour vanished while I browsed some of the articles I’d missed. The quality of the humor is erratic, but occasionally they really nail a theme.

The topic of sex works pretty well for their style of serious reporting of exaggerated or ludicrous situations. One article I always remember is about the S&M couple who won’t stop droning on about their fetishes. I hope none of my readers identify with that! Other funny articles include the butterfly fuck swing filled with junk mail, the dominatrix who seems preoccupied and the fact that the nation’s nipples are severely under clamped.

I’ll use that last article’s title as the prompt for my post image. She’s trying to look coy, but you just know those nipple clamps are going to get ripped off any minute.

Nipple clamps and a coy lookI found this on the forBABALON tumblr. It’s originally from the men in pain site.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Sex, sadism and satire”

    1. It’s easy to ignore the statistics and look the other way when it comes to these kind of widespread problems. But it’s personal stories like yours that really bring home the magnitude and seriousness of the problem. I think it’s upto all of us to try and restore clamping to the necessary levels. Otherwise we could even be facing a clamping gap with the Russians and Chinese.


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