Riding gear is a fairly common theme in femdom porn. It’s a natural fit. Leather boots. Tight jodhpurs. Riding crops. There’s also the idea of a woman controlling a big powerful dumb beast with a snapped command or a flick of her wrist. That has a certain resonance.
However, it’s pretty rare to see an actual horse involved in a shot. Normally the man plays that role. In this case the male in question has been forced one step lower in the hierarchy, from beast to inanimate footstool. The horse itself looks fairly bored by the proceedings. I just hope for the footstool’s sake that it doesn’t decide to take a pee at this point. I’m a fan of water sports, but horse piss lapping around the knees is definitely a deal breaker. And there’s a good entry to add to the list of sentences I never imagined myself typing.
This is taken from a set of images created by the femdom town site. I found it originally on the Whip Mistress blog.
I was hoping she had him clean the stall before he knelt down in whatever it is he is kneeling down in…
I kind of hope that as well. I grew up in the country and I know that horse stalls are no place to be kneeling down, and certainly not when you are naked!
The poor mount looks bored.
“Oh well, here we go again:
work, work, work, work, work.”
He does look bored. I’m guessing he’s been standing there for 20 minutes while they try and get the photo-shoot right. He’s might be thinking “Either sit on me or stand on him, but stop messing around!”
Of course if you’re going to shoot one of these scenes, then a bored placid horse is probably what you want. Frisky is not a good thing when you’re kneeling beside a horse 🙂
Hey, you got that right!
No one wants to mess with a frisky filly,
nor a staggering stud.
Oh, BTW, who’s the goil?