Catfish Kink

First came the dommes and then the pro-dommes, and that was good. Next came the fin-dommes and the cam-dommes, and that was like sure, whatever. Not my thing, but your thing is OK. Then came the fake dommes and the catfishing dommes, and that seemed obviously bad until I read this Gizmodo article. Apparently there are now men who fetishize being catfished and scammed online by men pretending to be women.

On one hand, if everyone knows what’s going on and everyone consents, then who am I to throw stones? A bunch of guys jerking off to each other while fake-pretending to be beautiful women scammers seems less objectionable than a lot of things men do online. Unfortunately, I suspect the scammers aren’t exactly careful about how they identify themselves as fakes. It would seem like there’s a significant danger of mixing in non-consensual scamming with the consensual sort. What’s the right ethical code for ensuring consensual and safe catfishing? The average BDSM guide doesn’t really cover that. And would there be a market for genuine fin-dommes to pretend to be fake-dommes in order to attract these clients? And would a catfish fetishist be upset if the hot blonde fin-domme he thought was a fat old man actually turned out to be a hot blonde? That’d be a confusing boner.

It is at least further proof (if such a thing were needed) that there is absolutely nothing that people will not fetishize in some way.

Tricky to pick an image to go with the topic. I figured this idealized figure worshiped by anonymous men seemed appropriate. The title also seems to fit. The artwork is of course by the great Eric Stanton.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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