Make America Golden Again

As I’ve written in the past, I try not to feature a lot of politics on this blog. However, when politics and kink collide, I figure people are playing on my turf and the story is fair game. If the major TV networks are going to talk about golden showers, then the least I can do is cover the story.

Anyone watching the news in the last day or so will know where this is heading – Donald Trump has been dealing with a rumor that he was filmed enjoying some hot and messy watersports action with a number of Russian escorts. The resulting media fallout has been spectacular. Some of my favorite coverage has been this NYMag article, this Vogue one featuring Mistress Darcy, Colbert’s cleverly innuendo packed bit and Samantha Bee’s more caustic take. Plus, of course the endless social media jokes like this or this or this.

Personally, I think the story, or at least the salacious bit of it, is probably bullshit. The description in the original memo seems kind of ridiculous. However, while it might not be a verified story, it’s definitely a really funny one. And given Trump’s propensity for making stories up and claiming them to be true, I have zero guilt in enjoying this one.

If it is true, I just hope the escorts followed the golden (ahem) rule of sex work and got the money up front. He doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to paying small independent contractors who do work for him. And if they were working for Russian intelligence, I don’t fancy their chances on filing an expense claim for it. That’d be a tough one to explain to the finance department – 12 bottles of mineral water, 2 packs of breath mints and 1 golden shower for the future US president.

This artwork is by Axel-Art.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Make America Golden Again”

    1. I definitely don’t dismiss it entirely. The idea of Russian intelligence sending sex workers to visit Trump, him accepting them into his room and then asking them to do something petty and immature to ‘get at’ Obama is entirely in keeping with both Putin and Trump’s personality. And true or not, the fact it really annoys him, makes it all the funnier!


  1. This article was on point. I also just wanted to express how much I love your blog. I have used it for the past 4 years and I have just now discovered that you live in Seattle.
    I’m in Vancouver, 31, Domme.
    With Trump in the White House, you’ll want to have an area of refuge in case things go sideways.

    1. Glad you liked the post and have enjoyed the blog. It’s great to get positive feedback. I occasionally contemplate stopping it, given the time it sucks up. It’s comments like this that inspire me to keep posting.

      I used to visit Vancouver pretty often, given it’s only a quick blast up I-5. Always enjoyed myself there. For reasons that escape me right now, I haven’t been recently. I should probably correct that soon and re-visit. It’s a great city and, as you say, a possible refuge from the incoming nightmare that is Trump. The only drawback would be property prices – it make Seattle look cheap, which isn’t easy to do.

      Your tumblr was pretty fun to explore. Interesting mix imagery. of I shall probably be raiding it for images for future posts :).

      Thanks again for the comment. Hope I can keep posting stuff of interest to you!


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